Friday, September 18, 2009
NBC: 'Blunt' Carter 'Prompted Us to Reexamine Our Assumptions About Race'
Mitchell proceeded to smear the tea party activists, corroborated by just two racist posters [in a crowd approaching a million] the network managed to find:
In a season of angry protests, there are ugly signs that some of it is not rooted in bailout fatigue or suspicion of big government. Mixed in the anti-Obama crowds over recent weeks,
racial slurs against the President of the United States...
NBC: Joe Wilson's Two Words = 9/11 Terrorist
NBC spotlighted radical black Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson to rail against President Bush as a "clueless patrician" in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and then Brian Williams threw those words in Bush's face.
On Wednesday, they spotlighted Dyson’s vicious attack on Rep. Joe Wilson and other conservatives as comparable to terrorists, like the suicide attackers of 9/11. Matt Lauer didn’t find this an occasion to interrupt and interject. Instead, he then read Maureen Dowd’s New York Times column calling Wilson a racist... [snip]NBC paired the professor of "racial terror" studies with right-leaning pollster Frank Luntz, which had the effect of pairing an accountant with a professional wrestler. One meekly offered numbers, and the other was screaming for a fight at the Omni on Friday night. The caption during the segment was "Obama, Wilson And Racism, What's Behind Attacks On The President?" Here was the Dowd Syndrome section: [snip]
That’s as rough as Luntz got: "Please, c’mon." Dyson’s charge that Obama is portrayed as a Nazi and a chimpanzee is easily matched by President Bush being portrayed as a Nazi and a chimpanzee. (Hasn’t Dyson seen the Bush-hater website The Smirking Chimp?)
The White-Racism Chorus
Did Attorney General Eric Holder really want honest talk when in February he called for “frank conversations” about race? “Honest” talk, as the MSM and much of the chattering Left defines it, consists of slamming most whites as racist.
Thus, Jimmy Carter, Maureen Dowd, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, among many others, get bravery rewards for speaking truth to power in recent days.
That is, white power...
A Tackle Box Full of Race Bait
Of all the poisonous, ugly and intellectually vapid controversies ginned up in my lifetime, the current breakout of St. Vitus' Dance over the "racist" opposition to Barack Obama may be the most egregious.
Al Sharpton tells CNN's Larry King that decent and racially sensitive Americans shouldn't let a small minority make health care into a "racial issue."In case you don't get the joke, this entire "debate" over whether opposition to Obama's health care reform is racist is totally, completely and in every way conceivable an invention of the left... [snip]
Left-wing writers spent the week droning on about how it's now racist to say "I want my country back." These amnesiacs are blissfully unaware that "taking back" America was the rallying cry of the Democratic Party for eight years under George W. Bush.
Anti-white racists all? [snip]
The good news is that the race peddlers have undermined themselves. The notion that opposing skyrocketing deficits and socialized medicine is racist is met with eye rolls by the vast majority of Americans, who do not need Sharpton and Carter to tell them what is -- or is not -- in their own hearts...
FNC Uncovering ACORN Corruption for Months
MRC's Vice President for Business and Culture, Dan Gainor, appeared on Fox News Channel today to discuss a GOP Congressional Report that accused ACORN of political corruption and fraud.
"Well, the main accusation is that they're breaking both election laws and tax laws while using – they've got $53 million from the federal government over the last – since 1994. You and me and everybody watching. And so what the House is charging them, you know, the House Republicans are saying that they're using this money to boost the campaigns of Democratic officials – whether it's Blagojevich or Obama or others,"
Skinner also asked "if it's so blatant and so bad. If it's been going on for 15 years, how could they have gotten away with it for so long?"
"ACORN is hugely a Democratic operation. You know, you're gonna have a hard time even going after them now with Democrats running both houses of Congress. You know, Washington is a land of favors – they've – people look out for them,"
The View Sticks Up For ACORN: Republicans Aren't Going to Take Care of the Poor
.The ladies of ABC's "The View" on Thursday spoke out against Republicans who "have always felt that there was something a little off about ACORN," and said the embattled community organization needs to be given a second chance because
"the Republicans aren't going to take care of [the poor]."
Sure...who cares that they're advising people how to set up child prostitution rings, cheat banks, and evade taxes if they're helping the poor?
Of course, nobody on the panel pointed out that the Democrats currently control both Chambers of Congress as well as the White House. Alas, facts are never important to these folks when they get on a roll...
FLASHBACK >Who Really Cares: America's Charity Divide -Who Gives, Who Doesn't, and Why It Matters
Demolished, with hard data: the myth that liberals are more generous and "compassionate" than conservatives
Munich of the Skies
President Obama has chosen this day -- the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland -- to announce the abandonment of U.S.-backed missile defense for Eastern Europe.
It's worth looking back at how we got here. After the 1989 breakup of the Soviet Empire -- that "evil empire" Ronald Reagan had done so much to end-the newly free states of Central and Eastern Europe naturally looked to the United States, and to a lesser extent, to their Western European brethren, to safeguard their long sought freedom. Poland and the Czech Republic were among the first to apply for membership in NATO.
The U.S., it seemed, would extend it's nuclear umbrella of protection over these newly independent states. In these free states, streets and squares were being named for Ronald Reagan -- after the joyous people first pulled down statues of Lenin.
We should remember not just Munich, and not just the largely peaceful revolution of 1989. We should remember that Soviet invasion of Poland on September 17, 1939, seventy years ago... [snip]
Now, Barack Obama is changing it back again. The Obamamedia is reporting that the Russians will be "pleased" by the latest U.S. move. No doubt. They are regaining a position of predominance without firing a shot. Reagan is repealed.
Barack Obama is proving to be indeed what he promised to be: a transformational President. The American people are still cheering Barack Obama's foreign policy, just as the British once cheered Neville Chamberlain. But there will come a reckoning.
As Churchill said of Munich:
"This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time."
[Recommended > ]
image toon - nsec gwot - = Oby = proposes cuts in BMD missle defense
'We may have to attack Iran by Dec.'
Israel will be compelled to attack Iran's nuclear facilities if Western powers do not impose serious sanctions against Teheran by the end of 2009, former deputy defense minister Ephraim Sneh said on Wednesday.
''We cannot live under the shadow of an Iran with nuclear weapons,''
he was quoted as telling Reuters in an interview on a visit to the UK.
[Nor should they.]
Czarist Washington
The Framers of the Constitution knew that the document founding our democracy must be the anchor of liberty and the blueprint for its preservation.
Nearly 250 years later, these critical lines of separation are being obscured by a new class of federal officials.
A few of them have formal titles, but most are simply known as "czars"...
Feingold questions Obama 'czars'
A liberal senator on Wednesday questioned President Barack Obama's policy "czars".
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) sent a letter to the president requesting the White House release information regarding the "roles and responsibilities" of the "czars."
The Senate Judiciary Committee member also requested that the president's legal advisers prepare a "judgment" on the "czars'" constitutionality...
Taxpayers should know that the U.S. Treasury is sitting on $80 billion dollars that could be used to pay down the gigantic federal debt, but despite that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is bound by law to do just that he's not doing so:
- The $80 billion is the amount that has been repaid by banks that were the recipients of the giant $700 billion federal bailout of the financial industry last October.
- Leading the way have been the major banks, many of which received shovelfuls of taxpayer money in the form of the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP).
- However, the promise to make the taxpayer whole has not been fulfilled.
There's only one way to insure that this money goes to repay taxpayers: pass a law that forces Treasury to use the proceeds to pay off a portion of the nation's debt every time it receives a payback of TARP money from recipients. The Save American Free Enterprise Act (SAFE Act), could do just that. Under the bill:
- The Treasury would be required to pay down the federal debt and follow through on the requirements of the original financial bailout legislation.
- At the end of each month, SAFE requires Treasury to reduce the debt limit by the amount of any repayments, dividends and interest, warrant sales or other proceeds from the sale of assets received during that month.
Doing anything less than requiring Treasury to pay taxpayers back for bailing out Wall Street would not only be irresponsible, it would invite yet more unauthorized, counter-productive economic intervention.

"SUPPORT The Save American Free Enterprise Act (SAFE Act) "
YOUR Senator:
YOUR Congressman:
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
image toon - mny = Oby siting Wall Street for reckless behavior
A Fact Based Look At Global Warming: Predictions Vs. Actual
There are numerous reasons why we should question the consensus view on human-induced climate change, says meteorologist Matt Rogers.
One of the strongest value propositions presented for fighting global warming is to slow tropical cyclone intensity increases, however:
- Global hurricane activity reached a record low earlier this summer.
- Florida State University has a site that tracks global hurricane activity; since the 1990s, this activity has been decreasing, which goes against what we were told to expect on a warming planet.
We are now about to complete an entire decade without a strong El Niño event (three occurred in the 1980s-1990s).
Austin Energy, a publicly owned power company and a city department of Austin, Texas, has found itself stuck with surplus renewable power as city residents have declined to sign up for higher rates under the city's GreenChoice program.
Contracting with renewable power providers and offering the service to customers sounded like a good idea to city officials until the price tag came in at three times the cost of conventional power. City residents aren't buying it.
In one of America's most liberal cities and one that prides itself on its environmental awareness, the latest allotment of renewable power is 99 percent unsold after seven months on the market.
Ultimately, Austin consumers will be required to pay much higher prices for their electrical power whether they like it or not: The Austin City Council, which oversees Austin Energy, has mandated Austin Energy generate 30 percent of its electricity from 'renewable' sources by 2020.
[The cost of not controlling your government - it runs amok.]
Greens Promote New Film 'The Age of Stupid'
Sponsored by MoveOn and Greenpeace. The film will be simulcast from a solar tent in downtown New York to over 440 movie theatres across America.
As usual in liberal-ese, "The Age of Stupid" is our age, in which someone still allows the obstacles of conservative activism and a fraction of a free market. The film is radical enough that The New York Times raved it was "a much sterner and more alarming polemic than An Inconvenient Truth." Here’s some of their promotional lingo:
Will people in the future call our time the age of stupid? Or will humanity find a solution to the world’s most urgent problem? You decide!
As one might expect, humans from the Horrific Future look back and wonder how we could be so stupid as to doubt the Greens...
87% of Employers to Reduce Benefits if Health Care Reform Increases Costs
Will The MSM Notice?
A Towers Perrin Survey came across the Business Wire on Reuters this morning stating that a majority of employers surveyed will reduce benefits resulting from the proposed Democrat Health Care Reform bill that is working its way through Congress if it increases costs.
Employers say they will not absorb any additional costs that result from reform and plan to take actions to avoid doing so, including reducing benefits, raising prices for customers and/or reducing head count.
The survey of 443 HR and benefit executives found that 87% of those surveyed would reduce benefits, 38% were likely to pass the increase off to consumers, 30% would absorb the costs by cutting staff and 27% would reduce salaries and compensation as a counter measure. Somehow we are supposed to believe the 11% of executives that claim their companies will absorb the loss.
What about the possibility of accepting the proposed penalty for eliminating health care coverage altogether and forcing employees onto the government plan?
Among the full survey group, employers expect they would respond to a pay-or-play mandate in the following ways:
37% of employers would provide company-sponsored health coverage that substantially exceeds the standard.
29% of employers would discontinue company-sponsored health coverage and pay the assessment if the per-employee costs of payments to the federal government were substantially lower than their current costs.
26% of employers would provide company-sponsored health coverage at the level of the minimum standard required.
Take note of that "minimum standard required". This could certainly result in a reduction of coverage for those fortunate enough not to have been kicked out of their plans altogether. You will be stretched to find this statement mentioned by the mainstream media unless accompanied by the phrase "according to racist right wing radicals".
There is no word as to how racisst Towers Perrin is [yet] for doing such a survey.
image toon - 1st hcare mny = Waste Fraud Abuse laughing at Oby's plans
MSNBC: Tenth Amendment a 'Baloney' Issue That Appeals to Right-wing Fringe
That according to brilliant constitutional scholar MSNBC's David "biased in favor of facts" Shuster, who matter-of-factly insists the "general welfare" clause in Article 1 of the Constitution "unambiguously authorizes" social welfare spending like "social security, Medicare, veterans' care, etc."
Shuster made his comments today shortly after 4:30 p.m. EDT in reaction to Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R), who recently suggested that Tenth Amendment grounds could be a means of opposing as unconstitutional certain Democratic health care proposals.
Time Magazine Asks 'Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?'
.As Glenn Beck's popularity and ratings increase, so does the attention he's getting from the Obama-loving media.
To be sure, most of the recent articles and news reports have been scathing, especially after his comment on FNC's "Fox & Friends" this summer about President Obama being a racist.
Yet, despite the headline, "Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?", Time magazine's David Von Drehle actually managed to offer some positive insights to the man that is taking radio, the book industry, and cable news by storm... [snip]
In the end, though Von Drehle wasn't gushing and fawning over Beck, with all the vitriol that most in the media have directed at the controversial author/radio-television personality of late, as well as the high-profile idols he's taken down like Van Jones and ACORN, this piece by Time is remarkably balanced, and one that even Glenn's followers might find surprisingly informative.
Down Steeply Since Late Jan., Big 3 Evening Newscasts Stuck at Low Summer Levels
... during the time period after Labor Day, the broadcasts primarily anchored by Brian Williams at NBC, Charles Gibson at ABC, and Katie Couric at CBS:
Are down a combined 28.5% from their peak in late January during the first full week of Barack Obama's presidency.
- Have lost a combined 37.7% of their audience in the 25-54 demographic during the same time period.
- Are down year-over-year compared to September 1, 2008, the week after Labor a year ago, by 8.9% overall and 18.1% in the 25-54 demographic.
- At 19.55 million, are basically drawing audiences no larger than they were during this past (for them) miserable summer.
There's little point in denying that Big 3 Nets supported and heavily invested in Barack Obama's electoral rise and ultimate victory, risking large-scale alienation of what remained of its already-shrinking audience. From a ratings and presumably financial standpoint, it's pretty hard to argue that it was worth it. The Internet doesn't cause almost 30% of an audience to disappear in less than 8 months.
More recently, as documented frequently at NewsBusters, all three networks have bit on the "subtle racism" meme and, until recent days, totally ignored James O'Keefe's and Hannah Giles's unmasking of the seamy side of ACORN, more than likely driving even more viewers away.
G, B, F...
Gene Therapy Cures Color-Blind Monkeys
After receiving injections of genes that produce color-detecting proteins, two color-blind monkeys have seen red and green for the first time. Except in its extreme forms, color blindness isn’t a debilitating condition, but it’s a convenient stand-in for other types of blindness that might be treated with gene therapy.
The monkey success raises the possibility of reversing those diseases, in a manner that most scientists considered impossible.
Premature baby 'left to die' by doctors
A young mother's premature baby died in her arms after doctors refused to help because it was born just before 22-week cut-off point for treatment. Sarah Capewell, 23, gave birth to her son Jayden when she was 21 weeks and five days into her pregnancy.
Although doctors refused to place the baby in intensive care, Jayden lived for two hours before he passed away at James Paget Hospital in Gorleston, Norfolk, last October...
[Government run health 'care'.]
Hospital food bingo: patient posts photos of food asking people to guess the dish
A hospital patient has become so disgusted with the quality of food on his ward he has taken photographs of the meals and posted them on the internet inviting people to guess the dish.
So far the 47-year-old's followers have failed to correctly identify half of the meals;
''I don't know whether the chef used an industrial hardener or simply drove out the moisture with a flamethrower "...