Friday, December 11, 2009
ClimateGate 'An Inconvenient Scandal' Which 'Threatens to Crumble' Global Warming Consensus
Subject: txt grn msm 1st -ABC and CBS discounted the scientific relevance of the admissions and obfuscations displayed in the ClimateGate e-mails, but on Wednesday night they finally devoted full stories to the controversy and quoted the “most-damning” of the e-mails, the ones referring to a “trick” to “hide the decline” in a temperature measurement and in which a scientist fretted “we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment, and it is a travesty that we can't.”
The two networks, however, painted the “stolen” [but we've know they were 'leaked' from within for days] e-mails not as laudatory whistle-blowing, but as an unwanted impediment to the left's global warming agenda. “Just as the world seems finally poised to do something about global warming, an inconvenient scandal,” ABC's David Wright began in playing off the title of Al Gore's movie. He despaired that “as the controversy heats up, the consensus about making the tough choices to curb carbon emissions threatens to crumble.”
Al Gore Calls Sarah Palin A 'Global Warming Denier'
Subject: txt grn owg msm palin -
[Whereas he should be referred to as a 'Global Warming Deceiver']
FNC's Wallace: 'Denier' Label Ascribes 'Religious Certainty' to Global Warming
Subject: txt grn msm -
Chris Wallace, host of "Fox News Sunday" is the latest in a long line of observers to note the essentially religious fervor of those who believe man is responsible for global warming, and the blind faith with which they cling to the science behind it.
Wallace, appearing on the Fox Business Network's Dec. 10 "Imus in the Morning" program to discuss the President's European trip with stops in Oslo and Copenhagen, said the religious conviction is evident in the way climate change alarmists treat those who challenge the theory by calling the 'deniers'...
[I.e., 'deceivers'.]
image c-art - grn engry = GORE's CHURCH OF CLIMATOLOTY money maker gif
Sarah Palin Says Critics Of Her WaPo Op-ed 'Got All Wee-Wee'd Up'
[HT:PF]Subject: txt grn gdd fnn msm -Showing the sense of humor millions of Americans fell in love with last year, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Thursday that critics of her previous day's op-ed in the Washington Post "kind of got all wee-wee'd up about it and wanted to call me and others deniers."
Palin, chatting with conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham, was obviously making reference to a comment President Obama made over the summer.
According to Palin, who might have been referring to comments from folks like MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, and Keith Olbermann, such was the reaction to her published views on global warming and the United Nations climate change conference currently taking place in Copenhagen...
The Unmasking of Barack Obama
Subject: txt gwot nsec - intl -
The overseas reviews for President Obama’s foreign policy are starting to pour in — and they’re not favorable. Bob Ainsworth, the British defense secretary, has blamed Obama for the decline in British public support for the war in Afghanistan...
The President is “Obama the Impotent”...
[The consequence of having political expediency as your only guiding principle.]
Obama's surrender will end in blood
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
They say that the U.S. Military Academy at West Point was an odd venue for President Obama's Afghanistan speech. And indeed it was - after all, surrenders are usually offered to the enemy on the battlefield. For that is exactly what the President proposed Tuesday night; surrender, abject and total.
The end result of Obama's surge-then-surrender strategy is not hard to foresee. The Taliban will wait us out, then move in and butcher whichever poor Afghans were foolish enough to cast their lot with the United States. Girls and women will be re-enslaved; al-Qaeda fighters will flood in, confident that no matter how hard they hit us, we will never have the will to finish them off.Having re-taken Afghanistan, they will plot their return to America, to once again paint our skies in fire and blood.
War on Terror backdrop to James Cameron's Avatar
Subject: txt gwot nsec libs bdd othr -
YEARS have passed and superstar reputations burnt in the wait for a hit film about the War on Terror. Nobody imagined that that film might turn out to be Avatar.
James Cameron's 3-D science fiction film is imbued with heavy implicit criticism of America's conduct in the War on Terror...
"We went down a path that cost several hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives. I don't think the American people even know why it was done. So it's all about opening your eyes."
[Another movie I can't {and won't} see on principle {and would ask likewise of those of you with}. When will these idiots learn that when they insert their politics into entertainment we insert ours into our entertainment choices?]
Astring of films about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have flopped at the box office in the past two years, including the Reese Witherspoon vehicle Rendition and Lions for Lambs, which starred Tom Cruise, Robert Redford and Meryl Streep...
House Democrats pass [ANOTHER] $447B omnibus
Subject: txt mny bbro sclm -
House Democrats passed a massive $447 billion appropriations conference report Thursday to fund a host of different government agencies in fiscal 2010. The conference report, approved on a 221-202 vote, was supported by Democrats only but had bipartisan opposition in 28 Democrats who joined all Republicans...
Dems to lift debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion
Subject: txt mny - , fear 2010 backlash
Democrats are preparing to raise the federal debt ceiling by as much as $1.8 trillion before New Year’s rather than have to face the issue again prior to the 2010 elections.
''We’ve incurred this debt. We have to pay our bills,''*
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told Politico Wednesday. And the Maryland Democrat confirmed that the anticipated increase could be as high as $1.8 trillion — nearly twice what had been assumed in last spring’s budget resolution for the 2010 fiscal year...
[In the wise words of Chief Buffalochip: "What's this 'we' shit white man?"]
image toon - mny = GOT DEBT re red ink bottles
Reality Check...
Subject: txt intl mny -
"Because of its repeated efforts to stimulate the economy through fiscal policy, Japan now faces a serious debt problem (Japan's debt-to-GDP ratio has nearly doubled in the last decade, rising from 0.58 in 1991 to 1.1 in 2000)."Robert H. Rasche and Daniel L. Thorton of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, written in 2001.
Long-Term US Federal Debt Projections ("Alternative" policy being more likely)
Source: General Accounting Office.
Percentage growth in real (inflation adjusted) GDP per capita from 1991 to 2000
- In South Korea: 52%.
- In the US: 24%.
- In France: 16%.
- In Japan: 7%.
Source: Computed from US Statistical Abstract, Table 1306
Baucus: OK, Obamacare is $2.5 trillion
Subject: txt hcar mny -
Democratic Senator Max Baucus admitted that the $1 trillion-over-10-years figure for Obamacare is not realistic. The actual figure is $2.5 trillion — 2 1/2 times as much. To reach the phony figure, Democrats added 4 years of taxation with 6 years of Obamacare, which greatly reduced the actual cost as the reserve that was built up is spent...
[Its never had anything to do with health 'care'.]
Microsoft to buy Sentillion for health care software
Subject: txt fnn hcare -
Microsoft is adding another player to its portfolio of health care offerings. The software powerhouse said Thursday that it plans to buy Sentillion, a privately held company that supplies software to health care professionals. Microsoft hopes to combine Sentillion's technologies with its own Amalga Unified Intelligence System (UIS). The goal is to offer integrated technology that can help health care providers more easily access patient data from across multiple sources...
[Oh Lord - our health records could be on a Microsoft system...?]
Adaptive liberal hypocrisy
Subject: txt 2010 bdd vals othr libs -
In recent weeks we have witnessed liberals in the highest level of government sanctimoniously defend terrorists who kill us, while persecuting those who defend us from murderous attacks. In an effort to understand this reversal of good and evil, it has become a cliché to call liberals crazy.
But while supremely hypocritical, liberalism is not insane. It is a highly adaptive ego device that enables people to violate commitments, vilify those who are true to their faith, and avoid personal sacrifice while feeling great about themselves. The only defense against hypocrisy is self-knowledge; the politics, spirituality, and morality of liberalism are well-constructed firmaments of self-delusion... [snip]
The anti-American statements and policies of the Obama administration are sacraments of two generations of ascendant egocentrism in our country. The ego is loath to admit, "I don't want to get my behind shot off in some war." No problem. Liberal academia has given us 50 years of indoctrination in the many reasons America is not worth it.
And here's some good ego-logic: The reality that "it takes too much courage to knowingly bring a Down Syndrome child into the world" becomes "Sarah Palin is confused and slutty." Eric Holder calls the American people cowards and then casts self-confessed terrorist murderers as civil rights victims. Khalid Sheik Mohammed becomes the new Rosa Parks.
But none of this is crazy. It is adaptive.
For example, in the case of Mr. Holder, his deference to admitted terrorists is an ingenious, though probably mostly unconscious, ego-projection of himself as a civil rights hero while he breaks his oath to defend the Constitution from foreign enemies.
The notion, now commonly posited in liberal media, that the Fort Hood terrorist Major Hassan is mentally ill, is another unconscious capitulation to egocentrism. It is the worst form of hypocrisy to make excuses for somebody who takes all of the benefits of military service and then murders his defenseless fellow soldiers.
Liberal hypocrisy is not insanity, it is pretersanity, a powerful tactic of self-absolution, a way to become rich, admired, and powerful while supposedly "fighting for the little guy," or to exhort others to self-sacrifice while making none yourself...
[Recommended > ]
Get Your Race-Based Holiday Shopping Done at
Subject: txt othr bdd vals - !The New York Times '09 Holiday Gift Guide page has some intriguing suggestions.
There's the "Holiday Books Guide," the "Personal Tech Holiday Gift Guide," the guide for people of color...
Wait. A separate gift page for people of color? Yes. The NYT Picker blog noticed the Times has a special gift section for 'non-whites':
We don't like to throw around words like "racist" in the same sentence as the NYT's name, but there's no other word we can think of to describe this page in the NYT's annual Holiday Gift Guide -- called "Of Color/Stylish Gifts" and aimed exclusively at the paper's non-white readers.[Not to worry, it excludes whites. Now if they had a 'guide for white people'....]
Or, as the NYT describes it, "gifts created for and by people of color"'s the first time we can remember a gift guide, anywhere, openly defining its offerings by their appeal to a specific racial group.
Public Services Post...
[of the partly-personal variety...]
FOR SALE – Great Car – $2900 obo - medium size project – not a lot needed to get in great shape.
1978 MGB Roadster – recently smogged – car runs great – spent $1500 on gen maintenance, replace hoses, plugs, leads, etc.
- Some Electric work – switches etc
- Some cosmetic work dashboard / paint
- Hard top & Soft top (frame) need refurbishing, tonneau cover OK.
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