Friday, February 12, 2010
Sen. Jim DeMint twitters: D.C. snow will continue 'until Al Gore cries uncle'
Texas Governor's Race
Subject: txt 2010 - gdd -
What's the best evidence that you are no longer a fringe candidate?
It's when the once-leading contender can no longer afford to ignore you.
And that's what we see in this statement today from Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison about her Tea Party rival in the primary contest against incumbent Governor Rick Perry...
Newsweek: TEA Party Convention Full of 9/11 Truthers
Subject: txt 2010 msm bdd -Syndicated columnist Jonathan Kay wrote an exclusive piece for about the TEA party convention in Nashville - not to report on the speeches or the goals of the movement, but to smear attendants as kooky, paranoid fringers who believe 9/11 truther theories.
Conveneniently, Kay just happens to have a book scheduled for release next year that chronicles the spread of trutherism in America. How fortunate he found so many believers.
Kay began his piece with the all-too-cute headline "Black Helicopters Over Nashville." It was just the beginning of an endless rant about unhinged conservatives, culminating in an explicit effort to place trutherism at the TEA party convention: [snip]
In fact, Kay didn't manage to pinpoint a single speaker or prominent figure who arrived at the convention to promote trutherism. The entire crux of his case was anonymous attendees and a certain mood in the air that he was singlehandedly able to discern.
Perhaps Kay should have paid attention last summer when conservatives and independents, appalled by Glenn Beck's discovery that Van Jones was a truther, led the campaign to get him removed from Obama's cabinet. Or maybe when conservatives recoiled at Rosie O'Donnell's public promotion of truther theories. It is an indisputable fact that the conservative movement, by and large, rejects trutherism at every turn...
Media Liberals Paint Conservatives as 'Birthers', But First Birthers Were Dems
Subject: txt 2010 msm bias libs fnn -
It was started by a couple of Democrats, Linda Starr and Philip Berg, according to John Avalon, author of the new book "Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America" (just to clarify, he singles out "wingnuts" on both sides of the aisle). Both were die-hard supporters of Hillary Clinton during the 2008 campaign.
Starr was cited as a source of the false documents that got disgraced CBS correspondent Dan Rather fired. Berg is an aggressive Pennsylvania attorney (and former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General) who filed a lawsuit against former President George W. Bush in 2004 alleging he was complicit in the September 11 terrorist attacks...
Just Say No to Democracy
Subject: txt 2010 libs reps - lbrty -
If you've been paying attention to the left-wing punditry these days, you may be under the impression that the nation's institutions are on the verge of collapse. You know why?
Because the 40 percent (or so) political minority has far too much influence in Washington. Don't you know? This minority, egged on by a howling mob of nitwits, is holding progress hostage using its revolting politics and parliamentary trickery.
Leading the charge to 'fix' this dire problem is the New York Times, which advocates abolishing the Senate filibuster to make way for direct democracy's magic...
The Obama Problem: It’s the People, Stupid
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty libs -
We-the-People have protested the increasingly apparent willful destruction of our economy, jobs and careers and liberties and freedoms by the Obama Administration for many months. We have told Obama & Co—in no uncertain terms—that we want neither his totalitarian ObamaCare Death Plan nor his Cap & Tax based upon the global warming hoax; a hoax established by the Marxist elite to steal even more power and resources from the American people and ultimately the people of the world.
But, even after that has been made irrefutably clear to the plundering Obama hordes—most recently hordes that are beginning to diminish somewhat—the dictator-in-chief has again begun strongly announcing that his death plan and cap and tax WILL become the law of the land despite the will of the people. Note: This is Communism folks—a governmental system that relies solely upon the will and desires of ruling elitists and one which depends upon the enslavement of an impoverished working class (AKA ‘proletariat’).
And this is what Marxists do.
Gallup: Palin and Romney top two contenders for 2012
Subject: txt 2010 palin gdd -
The poll asked Republicans and Republican-leaning independents to name, without prompting, whom they would most like to see as the party's 2012 presidential candidate...
There's Something About Sarah
Subject: txt 2010 palin -
It has been nearly a year and a half since Sarah Palin became a household name in America and the world over. Despite the fact she was on the bottom half of a losing ticket and hasn't held public office in more than half a year three cable networks provided live coverage of her address to the Tea Party Convention last Saturday night in Nashville. Is there any other private American citizen who could command that sort of undivided attention?The answer is nobody else could and liberals know it all too well. How else can one explain their sudden obsession with Palin's left hand? The best liberals could do was to say that she had cheated by writing a few words on her hand.
So let's see if I get this straight. Sarah Palin has all of six words on her palm and liberals conclude "she needs a cheat-sheet." (1) Yet liberals don't seem to mind that President Obama needs a teleprompter to read a nearly 2,000 word speech during the National Prayer Breakfast last week and still mispronounced the word "corpsman" not once but twice. (2)
Talk about hand wringing.
Why Sarah Palin Drives Them Crazy
Subject: txt 2010 libs fnn -
She's got that "it" factor that pundits, columnists, political junkies, and regular people go crazy trying to figure out. Now, what is it about her? Certainly only Barack Obama beats her on charisma and crowd attraction, and maybe not by that much.
Given all that, the cable news talk shows recycled the Palin weekend clips, reviewed her performance, gauged her presidential prospects (scary to most) and weighed endlessly whether the world could survive Sarah Palin.
It's bad enough that Palin resurrected herself after a disastrous vice presidential campaign and resignation as governor of Alaska last July. Her explanations for quitting the governorship made her a pariah in media and political circles, and she was exiled to the silent wilds of Alaska.
Given up for politically dead, her swift and amazing comeback as author of a No. 1 best-selling memoir, "Going Rogue," and hero of the mushrooming Tea Party movement has been a shock to the system.So there she is now, on center stage, Sarah 2.0, taking the shots.
"She's a force to be reckoned with,'' said Diane Sawyer on "ABC World News" on Monday.
Biden Sees Palin as Out of Step With Mainstream Americans
Subject: txt fnn 2010 msm - gdd fnn -
[Another good sign.]
Joe Biden update: Iraq one of Obama's "great achievements"
Subject: txt gwot nsec fnn - heroes -
Who knew?
The Democrat VP who wanted to divvy Iraq into 3 parts says he and the president who denounced the war and the 2007 Bush troop surge now find the country to be one of their "great achievements."
No word on all the others.
Poll: Americans don't want terror trials in ANY courts
Subject: txt 1st gwot nsec -
It's not just New Yorkers who don't want terror thugs tried in their backyard. A majority of Americans also disagree with President Obama's plan to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in civilian courts, a Quinnipiac University poll found. By a 59% to 35% margin, voters prefer that Mohammed and his cohorts face justice from military tribunals instead of in federal courts...
Another “Torture” Non-Scandal
“UK authorities had been involved in and facilitated the ill-treatment and torture to which [Mohamed] was subjected while under the control of USA authorities.”
With yesterday’s release, civil liberties groups on the Left have also claimed vindication. In the triumphant words of a spokesman for Liberty, Britain’s equivalent of the ACLU, the released paragraphs reveal that the British government “has gone to extraordinary lengths to cover up kidnap and torture.”
These are substantial charges. They are also demonstrably untrue.
As even a cursory reading of the High Court’s summary shows, the paragraphs in question say nothing about torture.
Here is what the paragraphs actually say:
Is the Holder DoJ imploding?
Resignations continue over Holder's refusal to allow his attorneys to respond to Civil Rights Commission subpoenas over the New Black Panther party case
[T]he Justice Department has, for now, ordered two key career attorneys not to comply with a subpoena about the case issued by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The commission, by law, has explicit power to issue subpoenas, and the law mandates that "all federal agencies shall cooperate fully with the commission."
The Justice Department, however, is citing internal regulations stemming from a 1951 case to support its order to ignore the subpoena.
One of the attorneys, J. Christian Adams, has been advised by his personal attorney, former South Carolina Secretary of State Jim Miles, that failure to comply with the subpoena could put him at risk of prosecution.
"I can't imagine," Mr. Miles told The Washington Times, "that a statute that gives rise to the power of a subpoena would be subjugated to some internal procedural personnel rule being promulgated by DoJ."
In short, the department is stiffing the commission and unfairly putting its own employee in a legal bind...
How on Earth Was Eric Holder Confirmed
Subject: txt bbro gwot nsec libs - Considering how easy it was for the mainstream media to get President George W. Bush's attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez, out of office for doing what he was allowed to do, why is Eric Holder being given a free pass? A better question would be: "How on earth did he ever get confirmed with his dubious background?"
Our National No-Energy Policy
Subject: txt engry -
Economically sensible states including Texas, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania are developing their enormous, non-traditional, "tight" natural gas reserves. In the process, they are transforming America's energy profile for the next half-century in the face of a federal government indifferent at best to this energy revolution.
In Texas, drillers have become so adept at safely extracting natural gas from shale that wells are often located in suburban subdivisions. In Louisiana, formerly impoverished residents of northwestern counties are now millionaires thanks to exploration leases and production royalties. And in western Pennsylvania, old steel towns have been reinvigorated by natural gas, as well as by the shops and restaurants that follow industrial development. In these places, a high school graduate can complete an extensive ninety-day course in wellhead techniques and earn $50K per year upon graduation.
Unfortunately, at the federal level, our government and Barack Obama's White House are formulating policies not aimed at extracting every barrel of oil (or equivalent) in our country, but instead policies that seem to cry out, "No Energy Development Wanted" ...
Climate bill backers pick up jobs theme
Subject: txt grn - engry -
Backers of climate-change legislation are making an extra push to link clean energy with job growth as the administration and congressional Democrats look for ways to lower unemployment. The study, conducted by Navigant Consulting for the Renewable Electricity Standard Alliance, said a renewable electricity standard (RES) that required 25 percent of electricity come from renewable sources like wind and solar power would create 274,000 jobs...
New Wind Farms in the U.S. Do Not Bring Jobs
Subject: txt engry - Despite all the talk of green jobs, the overwhelming majority of stimulus money spent on wind power has gone to foreign companies, according to a new report by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at the American University's School of Communication in Washington, D.C...
Drillgate: Secretary Salazar's Cover-up
Subject: txt engry grn - crpt libs - The administration asked for public comments on a plan to expand offshore drilling. When they came in 2-to-1 in favor, the Interior Department sat on the news.
When you ask for public comment on a major policy issue, at some point you should make the results public, not hide them until you can figure out a way to spin the public reaction to support a conclusion you've already drawn.
Time for a "Texas tea" party?
How About Some Transparency on Offshore Drilling?
Subject: txt engry -
If Energy Freedom Day seems like a long time ago, it was. It’s been since September of 2008 since the Congressional restrictions on energy leasing in 85 percent of America’s territorial waters, which have been renewed annually since 1982, were allowed to lapse. Along with the White House restrictions rescinded by President Bush, it opened nearly all of our federally controlled waters for energy leasing... [snip]
“More than four months after the comment period ended, the Department of the Interior has failed to make any public announcement about the results, even though sources have told American Solutions for months the comments show a 2-1 advantage in support of offshore drilling.
It took American Solutions four months and the power of the Freedom of Information Act to finally uncover indirect confirmation that, out of over 530,000 comments submitted, pro-drilling comments outnumbered anti-drilling comments by a 2-1 margin.
In an email dated October 27, 2009, Liz Birnbaum, director of the Minerals Management Service, informs other Interior officials that a preliminary tabulation of the results of the comment period had not yet gone to Secretary Salazar, adding
“[s]o the Secretary can honestly say in response to any questions that he’s [SIC] has not yet seen the analysis of the comments – staff is still working on it”
What Bias? Re: Right's Most Influential Journalist Is Gigot?
Subject: txt 2010 msm bias fnn bdd = Daily Beast: Over Rush?The Daily Beast Thursday published its list of the Right's most influential media figures, and the winner will likely surprise many on both sides of the aisle.
In the top position according to author Tunku Varadarajan is Paul Gigot, the editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal.
In third place -- yes THIRD place -- is conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh behind Fox News sensation Glenn Beck.
[It's called a plant, and it's how the MSM helped make McCain the Republican nominee for president in '08.]
Fox News host Glenn Beck's national domination
Subject: txt msm bias gdd othr -
It's official: Americans admire Glenn Beck more than they admire the pope.
This unsurprising news came from the Gallup polling organization on Wednesday. Beck, the new Fox News host, was also more admired by Americans than Billy Graham and Bill Gates, not to mention Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.
In Americans' esteem, Beck only narrowly trailed South Africa's Nelson Mandela, the man who defeated apartheid.
His critics during his ascent over the year have compared the pudgy Fox News host to Father Coughlin, George Wallace and Joe McCarthy. Time magazine put Beck on its cover and asked: "Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?"
A better question might be: "Is Glenn Beck America?" [snip]
-- Viewers: Nearly 3 million a night, besting even the likes of O'Reilly among the viewers most valuable to advertisers, even though there are far fewer people watching TV during Beck's 5 p.m. slot than during prime time.
-- Cultural impact: At the New York Times, where Beck's frequent books often top the bestseller list, Motoko Rich reports that novelists are calling Beck the "new Oprah," and some entertainment industry executives consider him a possible replacement for Oprah herself.
-- Scalps: He single-handedly brought down Obama adviser Van Jones over the official's far-left past.
-- Followers: He launched the 9.12 Project, which held a large protest in Washington, was a major promoter of the Tea Party movement and is planning conventions and rallies in 2010.
In a hearing on "policy czars" by the Senate Homeland Security committee this fall, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) declared that Beck had forced them to hold the hearing...
[And Rush? 20-30, million, listeners a day. But that's evidently less influential than someone's scribblings on wood pulp.]