Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A carefully crafted immigration law in Arizona
[HT:LDot: "For all the gum-flapping and semi-hysterical shouts of Gestapo in the streets, Arizona's bill is precisely written. Read it. "]
The chattering class is aghast at Arizona's new immigration law. "Harkens back to apartheid," says the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Cynthia Tucker. "Shameful," says the Washington Post's E.J. Dionne. "Terrible…an invitation to abuse," says the New York Times' David Brooks.For his part, President Obama calls the law "misguided" and says it "threaten[s] to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans." Obama has ordered the Justice Department to "closely monitor the situation and examine the civil rights and other implications of this legislation."Kobach, a Republican who is now running for Kansas Secretary of State, was the chief adviser to Attorney General John Ashcroft on immigration issues from 2001 to 2003. He has successfully defended Arizona immigration laws in the past.
"The bill was drafted in expectation that the open-borders crowd would almost certainly bring a lawsuit," he says. "It's drafted to withstand judicial scrutiny."
The bottom line is, it's a good law, sensibly written and rigorously focused -- no matter what the critics say...
POLL: Nationally, 60% Favor Letting Local Police Stop and Verify Immigration Status
Subject: txt immig -
Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans support the law along with 62% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Democratic voters are evenly divided on the measure.
Voter support for empowering local police comes at a time when most voters (56%) believe it is unlikely Congress will take action to gain control of the border. Only 31% say Congress is even somewhat likely to take such an action.
President Obama has denounced the Arizona law, and he and other critics of the measure see it as an incentive to push new national immigration reform legislation to supersede it.READ MORE
Whose Country Is This?
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty immig -With the support of 70 percent of its citizens, Arizona acted because the U.S. government has abdicated its constitutional duty to protect the states from invasion and refuses to enforce America's immigration laws.

CNN Omits Pro-Illegal Immigration Stance of Featured 'Legal Defender'
Subject: txt immig msm -
"The Human Rights Coalition," whose website features a logo incorporating the southwestern states into Mexico, but which the CNN graphic called only a "Coalition for Human Rights"
Lawmaker wants to bring Arizona immigration law to Utah
[HT:LG]Subject: txt immig gdd -As media protests in Arizona over its anti-illegal-alien law are portrayed as the mood of the country, conservative Utah lawmakers want to bring the law to this state, and say they have the support to do it. Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, R-Orem, is drafting a bill that would require immigrants to carry proof of status and require law enforcement officers to question anyone they believe is in the country without documentation.
The bill also would target employers who hire illegal aliens...
America’s Choice: Arizona or Amnesty
Subject: txt 2010 immig -Arizona lawmakers, led by state Sen. Russell Pearce, have once again shown courage and boldness in their efforts to protect their citizens from the brutal consequences of an open border.
Their latest measure, designed to actually be effective against illegal immigration, could be the beginning of the end of massive illegal immigration in this country.Which is why the Left, in all its guises, if mounting a full counter attack in the media, congress and even the White House.
Their future plans rely on the steady influx of millions of new Democrats, and they've no intention of giving them up without a fight...
New Evidence: Bin Laden in Iran as of 2007
Subject: txt gwot -Ken Timmerman’s latest article about allegations from a falcon smuggler that he has repeatedly met Bin Laden in Iran, specifically Zahedan, which is known to be a base for Al-Qaeda.
This specific story has been reported by Timmerman and Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld before, but this adds a few new details. It reveals that the smuggler provided the Union for the Conservation of Raptors with the
“specific frequencies of small transmitters Bin Laden had strapped to the backs of his hunting falcons so he could find them if they failed to return to base.”
[Pretty sneaky.]
U.N.'s Ballooning $732 Million Haiti Peacekeeping Budget Goes Mostly to Its Own Personnel
.The United Nations has quietly upped this year's peacekeeping budget for earthquake-shattered Haiti to $732.4 million, with two-thirds of that amount going for the salary, perks and upkeep of its own personnel, not residents of the devastated island...
Acquittal of Navy SEAL Accused in Prisoner Abuse Case
Subject: txt heroes - FNC Relays

The jury found that Ahmed Hashim Abed,likely caused injury to himself to support false accusations, as terrorists are trained to do to use the West's liberal legal systems against itself...
Hillary Clinton urged to ban Russian officials
Subject: txt intl russia - lbrty -
Sixty Russian officials should be banned from the United States over the torture and death in prison of a lawyer who exposed a $230 million fraud by corrupt policemen, a powerful US government body has urged Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State.
Senator Benjamin Cardin, the chairman of the Commission on Security and Co-operation in Europe, sent Mrs Clinton a list of security service agents, police, prosecutors, judges, tax officials and prison wardens who he said were implicated in the killing of Sergei Magnitsky...
[Sorry, no longer in the human-rights-champion business {didn't you follow Iran?}.]
Obama Announces New Entrepreneurial Exchange Programs with Muslim-Majority Countries
Subject: txt islm -
President Obama today kicked off a two-day Entrepreneurship Summit in Washington, DC.
“We will bring business and social entrepreneurs from Muslim-majority countries to the United States and send their American counterparts to learn from your countries. And since innovation is central to entrepreneurship, we’re creating new exchanges for science teachers.”
[And they've done what to deserve this special relationship?]
Truman Was Right; Netanyahu Too
Subject: txt nsec -President Obama's new Nuclear Posture Review has succeeded mightily in muddying the clear waters. He says that we will not use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear power. Except Iran. Except North Korea. If we are attacked with biological or chemical weapons, we will not retaliate with nuclear weapons. Is this a green light for another attack on the homeland?
And what are the former captive nations of Europe supposed to think? Does any NATO member -- like Poland, like Estonia -- sleep more soundly with this ringing declaration of confusion, this uncertain trumpet?
Ford announces first-quarter earnings of $2.1 billion
Subject: txt auto grn gdd mny trade -
In another sign that Ford was recovering from a deep downturn, Tuesday it reported that it earned $2.1 billion in the first quarter of 2010. The company was helped by a strong turnaround in its North American auto operations, which had an operating profit of almost $1.3 billion compared to a loss of nearly $665 million a year earlier.Through the first quarter of this year, Ford's F-series pickup truck was the best-selling vehicle in America [yet again] and the only auto to cross the 100,000 sales barrier (103,359) year to date...
GM's Phony Bailout Payback
Subject: txt auto gdd mny trade -GM CEO Ed Whitacre announced in a Wall Street Journal column last Wednesday that his company has paid back its government bailout loan "in full, with interest, years ahead of schedule." He is even running TV ads on all major networks to that effect—a needless expense given that a credulous media is only too happy to parrot his claims for free. Detroit Free Press' Mike Thompson, for example, advises bailout proponents to start "warming up their vocal chords" to jeer their opponents with chants of "I told you so."
[40 BILLION in shares still held by the US government - that would be us. What taxpayer subsidy? "It's all paid back..."]
Absolutely Pathetic: AP Report Says GM, Chrysler Lost 400,000 Jobs in 2008
Subject: txt mny auto bdd msm bias extra othr action =
In his weekly address President Obama opened with these three sentences:
Over the course of 2008, the industry shed 400,000 jobs. In the midst of a financial crisis and deep recession, both General Motors and Chrysler, two companies that for generations were a symbol of America's manufacturing might, were on the brink of collapse.
Look at what Associated Press reporter Darlene Superville did to those first three sentences in the third paragraph of her 'report' on Obama's presentation:
For the record, total U.S. employment at General Motors at the end of 2007 was about 110,000, according to this early February 2008 item. This November 2007 link indicates that Chrysler at that point had 71,000 employees worldwide (59,000 expected to remain plus 12,000 jobs expected to be eliminated).
The two entities combined obviously did not have 400,000 U.S. jobs to shed at the beginning of 2008.
Superville's stunner makes it clear that, in journalism and so many other endeavors, people who one would expect to be able to detect self-evidently out of line or misplaced numbers like the one above, i.e., 'journalists' like the AP's Superville reviewing her own work, as well as the layers of alleged editors at the self-described "Essential Global News Network," clearly can't or won't do it.
As to the last excerpted paragraph from Superville, see previous posts here, here. here, here, and here about the press's failure to cover the deceptive nature of GM's claim to have repaid its bailout loans. For the purposes of this post, I'll just note that the assertion at the president's weekly address web page that "the government’s emergency interventions (in Chrysler and GM) are now winding down" is patently false, and will remain patently false until the government unloads its $40 BILLION-plus stock 'investment' in GM and its smaller investment in Chrysler.
Good luck getting Darlene Superville or anyone else at the Associated Press to report that.
Abbas: Obama's "duty" to "impose" Mideast peace solution
Subject: txt israel -
RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told the Obama administration on Saturday to impose a solution to the Middle East conflict that would give his people an independent state.
"Mr. President (Barack Obama) and members of the American administration, since you believe in this (an independent Palestinian state), it is your duty to take steps toward a solution and to impose this solution,"
Abbas made the remarks to members of his Fatah party in the West Bank city of Ramallah...
[Israel's partner in peace.]
Tobacco Tyrants Turn Attention To Salt
Subject: txt bbro lbrty bdd fnn -
Here's how my June 14, 2006, column started:
"Down through the years, I've attempted to warn my fellow Americans about the tyrannical precedent and template for further tyranny set by anti-tobacco zealots ... .What the anti-tobacco zealots established is that government had the right to forcibly control our lives if it was done in the name of 'protecting' our health..."In the early stages of the anti-tobacco campaign, there were calls for 'reasonable' measures such as non-smoking sections on airplanes and health warnings on cigarette packs. In the 1970s, no one would have ever believed such measures would have evolved into today's level of attack on smokers, which includes confiscatory cigarette taxes and bans on outdoor smoking. The door was opened, and the zealots took over."
POLL: Most Oppose Government Limits On How Much Salt Americans Consume
Subject: txt bbro sclm bdd vals lbrty =Several public health groups are urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to set new federal standards for the amount of salt Americans eat, but most adults don’t like the idea.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that most adults (55%) disagree and don't think it's any of the FDA's business....
[Incorrect: now that we've socialized health care, your life style choices are everyone's business.]
Enviroeconomical TerrorismFifteen Greenpeace activists have brought one of Australia's busiest coal export terminals to a standstill. Greenpeace activists climbed a 50-metre-high coal loader at the Hay Point coal terminal in a protest over pollution caused by the expansion of the Australian coal industry.
Operations at Hay Point were stopped for 36 hours during the protest, with the Queensland Resources Council saying it cost state taxpayers about $1 million a day in royalties, and BHP about $13 million a day...
Powerful Forces Now Calling for a Constitutional Convention
The main groups pushing for a Con Con are the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a conservative association of state legislators; and a new group calling itself the 10 Amendments for Freedom, Inc, chaired by William Fruth, President of POLICOM Corporation, which provides independent economics research
While ALEC is working behind the scenes to build support for a Con Con among state legislators, Fruth and his 10 Amendments for Freedom group has moved into the public eye to sell the Con Con idea to mainstream America...