Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Is Obama's BP Shakedown an Impeachable Offense?
Subject: txt grn engry lbrty 2010 lgl -The president has no legal authority to create the escrow fund and no authority to compel BP to contribute to it.
The Reason for Constitutional Rights
Subject: txt hots grn engry - lbryt -
It is useful to recall the very reason for having constitutional rights: Those rights are intended to protect unpopular people
Why do we even have a Constitution if it is only to protect the friends of powerful political groups? Why do we have elections if politicians who grossly fail in their jobs can shove accountability onto the shoulders of those who did not violate the law? We have a Constitution only to limit government. That means, particularly, protecting the politically unpopular...
Moratorium on gulf oil drilling could increase risks rather than make process safer
Subject: txt hots engry - Critics sayA six-month deep-water drilling moratorium imposed to protect the Gulf of Mexico may raise the risk of oil spills, some members of a U.S. Department of the Interior safety-advisory group warn. The moratorium is also raising concerns that the gulf's $124 billion offshore oil industry will suffer as 33 deep-water projects are on hold.
The delay could imperil as many as 38,000 jobs related to the proj ects as rigs leave for work in other parts of the world, the National Ocean Industries Association, a trade group, estimates....
Obama is Kicking Louisiana’s Ass
Subject: txt hots grn engry econ -
President Obama announced on national television recently that he was looking for an ass to kick. [Class.]
Well, it seems he found one, the State of Louisiana. During his address this week to the nation from the Oval Office, the President made clear that he will not offer real help to the struggling people of Louisiana and the Gulf Coast.
In his speech, he presented no specific action plans and instead relied on lame platitudes.
Incredibly, the President told Lafourche Parish President Charlotte Randolph that his plan for those losing their jobs is to “put them on unemployment”...
Jindal steps up battle against Obama's deepwater drilling ban
Subject: txt hots engry -Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) has spent weeks throwing political punches at the Obama administration’s six-month freeze on deepwater oil-and-gas drilling, alleging it will wreak havoc on the region’s already battered economy. Now, Jindal is battling the moratorium in the courtroom, too.
Jindal and state Attorney General Buddy Caldwell on Sunday filed a legal brief in support of a Louisiana-based offshore services company that’s asking a federal judge to lift the ban. The ban is “effectively turning an environmental disaster into an economic catastrophe for the state,”...
GOP senators introduce bill to suspend Jones Act
Subject: txt hots grn engry -
In response to Obama's refusal to waive the Jones Act, three GOP senators introduced legislation Friday to ease the passage of foreign ships in the Gulf of Mexico to help with the oil spill cleanup. The bill, sponsored by Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) and George LeMieux (R-Fla.), would remove an obstacle for foreign vessels to travel between U.S. ports to provide needed assistance. The Jones Act, a protectionist law passed in 1920, restricts the movement of foreign ships without a waiver...
[So then who is standing in the way? {hint: 'never let a crisis go to waste'}]
Subject: txt engry -Energy Policy: President Obama says the oil disaster proves the need to get off fossil fuels. But before we save the planet, let's save the Gulf and stop exploiting crises to deny America the energy it needs.
Saving the planet is nice, but just how do we plug the hole again? With an abundance of hand gestures, the president didn't really say...
Obama Is Wrong; Alternative Energy is Not an Alternative
Subject: txt engry -
Obama is using the oil spill in the Gulf as an emotional lever to push his cap and trade policy. The spill is a disaster, but exploiting it is truly despicable. It is made far worse when the alternative energies solutions don’t work. Increased costs will damage the economy and negatively impact the people he claims to represent.
We’re in this predicament because of exploitation by politicians and environmental groups who deliberately ignore scientific evidence and corruption in climate science...
Firms paid to shut down wind farms when the wind is blowing
Subject: txt intl grn engry crpt - bbro sclm -Britain's biggest wind farm companies are to be paid not to produce electricity when the wind is blowing. Energy firms will receive thousands of pounds a day per wind farm to turn off their turbines... Critics of wind farms have seized on the revelation as evidence of the unsuitability of turbines to meet the UK's energy needs in the future.
The 'intermittent' nature of wind makes such farms unreliable providers of electricity...
Missing Defense
Subject: txt nsec -
National Security: There seems to be only one thing White House arms negotiators want more than a reduction in U.S. nuclear weapons — a reduction in U.S. missile defenses to protect us from such weapons.
The Washington Times' Bill Gertz reports that U.S. diplomats are secretly negotiating with Russia to link nuclear arms reduction to limits on our anti-missile defenses...
Russians pressing Kyrgyzstan to oust U.S. base
Subject: txt intl nsec russia -
The strategic U.S. air base at Manas, Kyrgyzstan, is once again facing closure as Russia works behind the scenes to influence Kyrgyzstan's interim government...
NBC Sees Gaza as 'Prison Sentence Imposed by Israel,' Ignores Reports of Food Abundance
Subject: Fwd: txt israel -
Catching up on an item from last week on the Tuesday, June 8, NBC Nightly News, correspondent Tom Aspell portrayed the residents of Gaza as living through a life prison sentence imposed by Israel:
"Israel's blockade on Gaza isn't just about preventing goods from getting in, it's about preventing 1.5 million Palestinians from getting out. It sentences them to life inside a 140-square-mile prison."
Anchor Brian Williams set up the piece:
"We are back now with a rare look inside a place 1.5 million people call home. The Israelis call it a hotbed of terrorism, but the people who live there say they are prisoners of poverty and misery."
Israel and the Surrender of the West
Subject: txt israel -The most interesting voice in all the fallout surrounding the Gaza flotilla incident is that sanctimonious and meddling voice known as "world opinion." At every turn "world opinion," like a school marm, takes offense and condemns Israel for yet another infraction of the world's moral sensibility.
And this voice has achieved an international political legitimacy so that even the silliest condemnation of Israel is an opportunity for self-congratulation...
France to raise retirement age to 62
Subject: txt sclm intl -
The change is expected to come into place in 2018 as part of an effort to get the country's spiralling public finances under control. The move has been strongly opposed by the opposition Socialist Party and labour unions, but Eric Woerth, the labour minister, said the measure was a "real moral obligation," given France's burgeoning deficit and its aging population, which he said threatens the viability of the money-losing pension system...
Meet The 8,074 New York Transit Workers Who Earn More Than $100,000
[HT:MH]Another shocking report by SeeThroughNY reveals that 8,074 MTA employees earned $100,000 last year. Fifty MTA employees earned more than $200,000 last year. And salaries are rising.
This is at a time when the New York City and State are struggling with a gaping budget deficit and billions in debt. Meanwhile, the MTA is cutting costs by reducing service and may remove cars to save electricity.
Past reports by the non-profit group include a list of 899 state employees who earn more than Governor David Patterson.
Gov Jobs Paid $12 More Per Hour
Subject: txt cali crpt mny -
"I continually get myself in trouble by describing these two factions of employment as 'real jobs' versus 'government jobs', but it is simply the truth. We (the citizens) agree that there should be limited government jobs for the sole purpose of government responsibilities that are described within U.S. and State Constitution. The belief that government jobs are a profession unto themselves, or a ladder climbing career, is wrongheaded."
AZ Immigration Law Less Stringent Than Federal Law
Subject: txt immig - lgl -
Then-Chief Justice Rehnquist who said in that case, the officers did not need reasonable suspicion to ask Menia for her name, date, and place of birth, or immigration status. The cops do not need reasonable suspicion to ask you about immigration status.
Under Arizona law, they do.
American's Don't Want Justice Department Challenge of Arizona Immigration Law
Subject: txt immig - Most
The Obama administration has reportedly decided to challenge Arizona’s new immigration law in federal court, but a recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% of U.S. voters oppose such a challenge.
Just 26% believe the Justice Department should challenge the legality of Arizona’s law in court. Eighteen percent (18%) are undecided in the survey conducted May 26 and 27.
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters, in fact, favor passage of a law like Arizona’s in their own state.
When asked specifically about the chief provision of the Arizona law, support is even higher. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters believe a police officer should be required to check the immigration status of anyone stopped for a traffic violation or violation of some other law if he suspects the person might be an illegal immigrant.
Arizona voters support the state's new immigration law more than ever, with 71% in favor of it.
The Obamites v. Arizona, &c.
Subject: txt immig owg -
About a month ago, the United States, in the person of assistant secretary of state Michael Posner, expressed guilt to the People’s Republic of China over Arizona’s new immigration law. Now the secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, has informed Arizona of the administration’s intention to sue the state while speaking to Ecuadorian television. I knew that I wouldn’t like the Obama administration and its policies. I am a Reagan Republican. But I didn’t know the administration would be so disgusting.
Honestly. Whose good opinion would the administration prefer? The U.N.’s or Arizonans’?
Obama Labor Chief: Illegals Have a Right to Fair Wages -
Subject: txt immig fnn -
Obama's DOL Secretary Hilda L. Solis: You Have the Right to Be Paid Fairly Whether Documented or Not. (see Video)
Obama's Means to the Immigration Reform End
Subject: txt immig crpt bdd hots -
President Obama is playing Russian roulette with the lives of Americans to pass his Immigration Reform bill. This past Friday Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona told Arizona Tea Party members in this video how he and President Obama had a discussion, one on one, concerning the need to secure the border. Kyl went on to explain to the attendees what Obama said to him.
"‘The problem is,' (Obama) said, ‘if we secure the border then you all won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.' In other words they're holding it hostage," State Senator Kyl added.
"They don't want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with comprehensive immigration reform."
Yet again the ends justify the means when it comes to President Obama and his Saul Alinsky disciples. Certainly Obama's administration will say this exchange did not occur. They will return to name calling and pointing blame to Senator Kyl. It is truly par for the course. Yet, how could one not believe this when Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi showed they would do whatever it took to pass health care reform, whether it be pole vaulting over a fence or parachuting in?
Should the American people be faced with another attack on our soil I know in who's direction I will be looking for accountability: President Barack Obama.
War over the border: White House says Kyl is lying about security;
Subject: txt immig -A few days ago, Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl told a town meeting in North Phoenix that President Obama personally told him that the administration will not secure the U.S.-Mexico border because doing so would make it politically difficult to pass comprehensive immigration reform. “I met with the president in the Oval Office, just the two of us,” Kyl said. “Here’s what the president said. The problem is, he said, if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”
“In other words,” Kyl continued, “they’re holding it hostage.
Endless Zeros
Subject: txt mny econ tax - bdd -
Twenty trillion dollars. That is the estimate of federal indebtedness by 2020. But that is just the start of the troubles that lie ahead...
House Dems prepare alternative to budget that would avoid deficit vote
Subject: txt tax mny - crpt -House Democrats are readying an alternative budget measure that would set next year’s spending levels without requiring a vote on deficits.
House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt (D-S.C.) said the alternative would be the “functional equivalent” of a full-fledged budget.
But because it won't be a traditional budget resolution, it will be silent on future deficits, which are expected to average nearly $1 trillion for the next decade...
U.S. Economic Recoveries Taking Ever Longer To Bring Back Jobs
Subject: txt econ mny - sclm -
Job recoveries have been increasingly sluggish over the past several recessions as the government has taken a larger and larger roll in trying to engineer a recovery.
Today's jobs slump, already at 29 months, could last five years or more, analysts say...
[If history is any guide {and it's our only guide}, this recession would have ended by now if not for the policies of our government extending its effects.
Those who ignore history - doom us to repeating it...]
'No Thank You, Mr. President' Highlights Entrepreneurship, Not Government, as Force for Recovery
Subject: txt gdd gcon econ mny -
Tough times don't last; tough people do.
That's the theme of author John S. Cohoat's new book "No Thank You, Mr. President," which tells the story of 10 private companies in Elkhart County, Ind., that made their own way to economic recovery without government handouts.
"My hope is that these stories provide some inspiration for you or make you remember why our capitalist economic policies and truly American way of life is the answer,"
Cohoat wrote in his first chapter, titled ‘Why This Book? Why Now?'
Cohoat characterized Elkhart County, in the northern part of the state near South Bend, as a hard-nosed area able to take care of itself. His portrayal stands in contract to the national media's portrayal of the county as the "poster child for all that is bad with our economy"...
Newsweek Intern Assigned to Review Glenn Beck Book Admits She Only Read 10 Pages
Subject: txt hots msm bias fnn -When reviewing a bestselling book, it is customary to read it first. Apparently Princeton doesn't teach that tidbit in its journalism classes anymore, as Newsweek intern (and Princeton student) Isia Jasiewicz decided she would attempt a review after reading only the first 10 pages--a fact she mentions in the last paragraph.
Does Newsweek really have such disdain for Beck that it would not only assign an intern to review what is sure to be this week's #1 New York Times bestseller (it came out Tuesday), but would print a review of a book the author didn't actually read?
The review attempts to contrast Beck's new thriller with Friedrich Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom," which Beck recently promoted on his show, and which has skyrocketed up the charts since. But given the many mistakes and assumptions Jasiewicz makes about the latter book, it seems she may not have made it past page 10 of that one either...
[Sounds like standard Newsweek training, what's the problem?]
WaPo Predicts Glenn Beck's Dangerous New Novel May Become Handbook for Terrorists
Subject: txt gwot nsec islm msm -
[Of course.]
Voters fighting back against union control
Though it went unnoticed amid the flurry of primary races, the most significant election result this month might be the outcome of a local referendum in Chula Vista, Calif.
Voters in the San Diego suburb finally voted to rein in greedy local unions by banning Project Labor Agreements -- a common arrangement whereby unions, usually with government backing, dictate the terms of construction projects...
Hit From Left Over Obama Criticism, Olbermann Quits Kos
When the vitriol is too much for Keith Olbermann, something is seriously wrong.
The MSNBC prime time anchor parted ways with the far-left Web site Daily Kos on Wednesday, citing the site's apparent unflinching, see-no-evil attitude towards President Obama, and the omnipresence of wild leftist conspiracy theories there.
"You want Cheerleaders? Hire the Buffalo Jills," Olbermann wrote. "You want diaries with conspiracy theories, go nuts. If you want this site the way it was even a year ago, let me know and I'll be back."
The divorce came after Kossacks relentlessly railed on Olbermann for having the gall to criticize their dear leader for his let-down of a national address on Tuesday. He took to his Twitter account to defend the decision.