Wednesday, September 9, 2009

POLL: Most Americans see through AGW scam

Forty-seven percent (47%) of U.S. voters say global warming is caused by long-term planetary trends rather than human activity.

However, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 42% still blame human activity more for climate change, while five percent (5%) say there is some other reason.

Except for June when the two points of view were virtually tied, voters have been trending away from blaming human activity since January.

Most men (53%) say long-term trends are to blame, while women are closely divided on the question. Younger voters are more likely than their elders to see human activity as the root cause of global warming.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of Democrats fault humans, while 65% of Republicans and a plurality (49%) of voters not affiliated with either party say planetary trends are the culprit.

[Progress - but we're in a race, AND THEY'RE TARGETING OUR CHILDREN...]


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