Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Education Chief: Furor Over Obama Speech 'Silly'

Education Secretary Arne Duncan says the furor surrounding President Barack Obama's speech this week to the nation's school children is "silly."

Duncan's department is taking heat for proposed lesson plans distributed to accompany Tuesday's speech. Duncan acknowledges that a section about writing to the president on how students 'can help the President' was poorly written and has been changed.

But Duncan added that the hubbub is something "I frankly don't pay any attention to."

[Well of course not - it's not as if parents were his customers or anything.

And that was my problem with this issue. Not that the Obama administration intends to address our kids, or even tried to slip in politicized messages - I expect that of politicians. No, the real alarm in this story should be the fact that his intentions sailed through our government Education administrators without a word of dissent -- it was the push back of concerned parents that initiated the script change, without which our 'professional' educators would have marched in lock-step to a politician's tune.

We need limit government's involvement in education to providing universal vouchers {$} and standardized performance reporting {information} only. With these two things parents would then be empowered to fix our failing education system via a consumer free market that has worked in every sector its every been honestly implemented.]


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