Wednesday, September 9, 2009

CNN: Obama School Address Opponents 'A Bunch of Psychopaths'


If you don't see eye-to-eye on an issue with your ideological counterparts - rather than debate the issue, you can go on national TV and call them derogatory names like liberal talking head David Sirota has done.

Earlier on CNN's Sept. 7 "American Morning" Sirota called Fox News host Glenn Beck a "right-wing political terrorist" and added that Van Jones was "a national hero."

But this time he set his sights on Florida Republican chairman Jim Greer and "people like Jim Greer" who were concerned about President Barack Obama speaking to school children in a highly politicized environment.

"...but what is going to happen is all the parents who tuned into this speech because of the hysteria by people like Jim Greer, are going to read this [now revised] speech and realize that the Jim Greer's of the world - that the right-wing Republican base are a bunch of psychopaths...


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