Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How members of Congress can show they were listening

Welcome back to the nation's capital, members of Congress. Your ears may still be ringing from those raucous town hall forums. Considering the intensity of views expressed during many of those gatherings, it is probably important that you demonstrate that you were listening to your constituents during those recess gatherings and not just going through the motions of "constituent service." Forthwith, we offer the following:

First, and probably most importantly, go back to square one on health care reform.

No matter what the president says in his speech Wednesday, it won't change the fact most Americans would rather you do nothing than impose a government-run health care program on them.

This is because the vast majority of people are satisfied with their private insurance coverage. They want no part of the long lines to see doctors and get treatments that are common in Canada, Great Britain and other countries that have government-run health care systems.

And don't even think about pulling a fast one like changing a few words here and there on one of the several legislative versions of Obamacare, then trying to pass it off as new.

The people are on to that stuff because, unlike most of you, many of them are reading the bills now...


image toon - 1st fnn hcare = call PETA, Oby beating dead horse

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