Monday, February 15, 2010

The Spiritual Dimensions of Nationhood

I’ve said this before but no matter how many times it is said, it bears repeating: the threats that the United States face from a fanatical Islamic foe are made possible by the Left's devotion to positions that undermine our heritage, accomplishments and founding.

It is not coincidental that I’m reminded of this condition by the passing of Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of The United States. This bestselling [assigned by colleges nation wide] book, memorialized by the pseudo intellectual rants of the actor, Matt Damon is among the most influential textbooks ever published. Bob Herbert of the New York Times wrote a saccharine ecology which suggested Zinn was a “national treasure.”

If so, it was a treasure of fool’s gold.

Zinn was not a historian, but an ideologue who would envision only the blemishes in America’s past. For him, the American experiment was predicated on colonialism, imperial aims, exploitation and enslavement. But the damaging aspect of Zinn’s brand of contemptuous nihilism, his anti-American posture and hatred of capitalism, is its irresistible siren's song to American self-ascribed 'elites'.

Is it any wonder that a multi-cultural stance that denigrates our national experience and superordinates the goals of other nations is now the prevailing orthodoxy in our schools and colleges?



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