Monday, February 15, 2010

Let the games begin

The Health Care summit will be classic political theater

Live from Washington - It's Health Care Chicken, starring Barack Obama and a carefully chosen panel of useful idiots, desperate Democrats and resolute Republicans.

The President's televised health care "summit" on February 25th promises to rival for sheer theatre the spectacle last October of 150 doctors in the Rose Garden costumed in white coats handed out by the White House.

In his State of the Union address, the President said "I don't quit," and nowhere is that more apparent than in his quixotic left-wing pursuit of health care nirvana in the form of a federal takeover... [snip]

This would certainly be entertaining political theatre, but the stakes transcend politics, pitting "we, the people" against Obama's big government leviathan. In response to six months of fierce public rejection of their agenda, the Democrats have mashed the gas pedal to the floor...

[Representative government?]


image toon - hcare = Reps duped by bipartisan love notes

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