mage toon - 1st fnn reps libs = Contress' new year's resolutions
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Obama Describes Nigerian As ‘Isolated Extremist,’ Despite Ties to Yemen
Subject: txt gwot nsec - President Barack Obama, in his first public comments on the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner traveling from Amsterdam to Detroit, described the suspect as ''an isolated extremist,'' despite reports that the 23-year-old Nigerian had been trained in Yemen, a country he visited twice.
President Obama, in recounting what happened in the air over Michigan on Christmas day, used the word ''allegedly'' to describe the attempted bombing...
Abdulmutallab and the Obama Mindset
Subject: txt gwot nsec - When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was placed on the British government's watch list in May 2009 and banned from entering the country, the U.S. embassy in London as well as U.S. intelligence agencies, were notified of this move as part of information-sharing agreements entered into by a number of Western governments after the September 11, 2001 attacks.
A U.S. State Department employee says that despite statements from the Obama Administration, such information was flagged and given higher priority during the Bush Administration, but that since the changeover
"we are encouraged to not create the appearance that we are profiling or targeting Muslims. "
Yes, Janet, There Is A 'War On Terror'
Subject: txt gwot - nsec -
Homeland Security: Al-Qaida's botched Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Flight 253 raises a series of concerns about U.S. vulnerability. Chief among them: a Homeland Security chief in denial that we are at war.
The nearly 300 trans-Atlantic passengers targeted for death by alleged would-be suicide bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab were saved not by any policy of the Homeland Security Department, but by the good luck of a detonator malfunctioning... [snip]
"Overseas contingency operations" and "man-made disasters,"
the favored substitute terms, are bureaucratese jargon designed to muddle the minds of the public and get people focused on this administration's domestic agenda of expanding the government.
Pretending away the global war on terror only invites attacks like the one we just saw, and this administration is shirking its duties to the American people in embracing such a mind-set.

[Pentagon] ....[Pennsylvania {flt. 93 smoke}]
What Has Happened to the BILLIONS of Dollars Spent on Aviation Security?
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
Nearly 10 years after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, questions continue to be raised on security: How should Americans feel about the tens of billions of taxpayer dollars spent to beef up aviation security?
And what about all those hours we've spent waiting on lines, taking off our shoes and surrendering our liquids and gels -- have they been worth it?
[What did expect when we allowed a government agency to be set up to handle this? TSA: who's top priority is the unionization of its employees...]
U.S. looks for bombs instead of terrorists
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
Incompetent State Department consular officials and poor enforcement of visa procedures that have been in place long before the personal computer, the Xerox machine or even the jet airliner are the problem here. And we aren’t hearing a word about it.Better the American public should be forced to endure another blizzard of press releases announcing another round of ridiculous indignities by dazzling Rube Goldberg technology rather than have our press and our government demand an accounting from the employees at a government bureaucracy who can’t even comply with their own time-tested procedures.
No, no, it’s the privacy restrictions placed on air travel screening, replies former DHS official Stewart Coffin... [snip]
1) rescinding the new TSA rules;
2) reviving the targeted screening procedures abandoned under pressure from so-called privacy advocates
3) keeping the focus on the State Department’s botched information sharing.
It's time to revisit U.S. terror policy
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
President Barack Obama came into office vowing to change the tone on terrorism and swiftly set about transforming the war on terror into a law enforcement exercise that places a greater emphasis on apprehension and prosecution than it does on deterrence [to say nothing of interdiction].
After two recent terrorist attacks on the United States -- one successful, one failed -- this is a good point at which to stop and examine whether the new strategy is working to keep Americans safe.
Obama was heavily motivated in shifting terror policy by his belief that the US had a need to improve its standing in the international community and, in his words, to return the nation to its values.
But terrorists shouldn't be allowed to use our values against us. Nor should we make appeasing America's critics a greater priority than keeping our own people safe.
We got lucky on Christmas Day. Some would say we got a Christmas miracle.
But luck and miracles are no substitute for aggressive deterrence.
Man charged with terrorism
Subject: txt islm gwot -A man who allegedly claimed he wanted to start a holy war in Memphis will return to court Jan. 11 on charges of threatening to blow up several businesses on Christmas Day. Mohamed Ibrahim, 35, is charged with commission of a terrorist act.
An FBI agent called to the scene recovered three cassette tapes described as "Islamic" in a police affidavit, and took the GPS from the vehicle.
Ibrahim had threatened other businesses and "stated he was a Muslim, and wanted to start jihad here in Memphis," according to the weapon charge.
Alert the PC Police: Time Calls Ft. Hood a 'Terror-Related .... Event'
Subject: txt gwot 1st nsec ms islm -
It looks like the PC Police will have to put out an APB for Time Magazine's Bobby Ghosh, his layers of editors, and his managers.First, Ghosh had the unmitigated gall to write an item called "Domestic Terror Incidents Hit a Peak in 2009." In it, he notes that the "2009 saw an unprecedented surge in terror 'events' on U.S. soil." Clearly Ghosh doesn't understand that we're in a new era where the rest of the world reflexively loves us, thanks to our ever-apologetic president.
Ghosh compounded his error by saying that the November killings at a U.S. military base were t-t-t- .... terror-related:
Fort Hood Co-Conspirator: CAIR
Subject: txt gwot islm -With the FBI cutting off ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations and now subpoenaing some 12,000 internal CAIR documents under temporary restraining order as part of the bureau’s ongoing criminal investigation of CAIR, the terrorist front group is suddenly cooperating with the FBI — or at least making a show of it.
Suddenly CAIR, an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator, is acting like a good citizen. Suddenly it’s concerned about young Muslim-American men going on jihad. Suddenly it’s concerned about “certain” passages of the Quran inspiring jihadists.
It’s all too little, too late.
Thanks to CAIR, 42 brave American soldiers were gunned down by an Islamic nut in Texas.
That’s right, thanks to CAIR...
[Long, Highly Recommended > ]
Intel report: Iran seeking to smuggle raw uranium
Subject: txt israel gwot nsec -
VIENNA – Iran is close to clinching a deal to clandestinely import 1,350 tons of purified uranium ore from Kazakhstan, according to an intelligence report obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press. Diplomats said the assessment was heightening international concern about Tehran's nuclear activities. Such a deal would be significant because, according to an independent research group, Tehran appears to be running out of the material, which it needs to feed its uranium enrichment program...
Kerry's possible trip to Iran would be a boon to the regime
Subject: txt nsec gwot iran libs bdd vals -
The Wall Street Journal Reported the other day that Senator John Kerry was seeking permission from the Obama Administration to head to Tehran, perhaps to scratch his diplomatic itch.
A request to head to Iran would fit snugly with Kerry's persona as a willing dupe to America's Enemies. Just as he made his way to the Paris peace accords during Vietnam, Kerry would almost assuredly allow himself to be used by the Mullah's in Iran. After all, what's the point? As pointed out in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal, if a year of pleas from the President himself hasn't made any headway, what makes Kerry think his trip would garner much success?
If the mullahs had any sense, they'd send him a government plane. Beset by almost daily demonstrations by a democratic opposition that has been growing despite beatings and arrests since the stolen June election, Mr. Kerry would arrive from Washington to show the Iranian people that at least someone still favors the regime.
He would be the most senior American to visit Tehran in 30 years and his trip would convey legitimacy that the dictatorship is especially eager to have at the current moment.
Who knows? Perhaps he would even come back and testify before Congress just like he did in the early 70's, lambasting the United States...
image toon - gwot nsec intl owg = Iran needs about 10 more seconds
Dooming Europe
Subject: txt owg - sclm -
"The Europe as you know it from visiting, from your parents, or friends is on the verge of collapsing."
Geert Wilders said this in a speech he made in the U.S. last year. He went on:
"We are now witnessing profound changes that will forever alter Europe's destiny and might send the continent in what Ronald Reagan called 'a thousand years of darkness.'"
This applies not just to Europe, but to America as well.
Been to Europe lately? Thought it was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet. The passage of the Lisbon Treaty, hailed by Barack Obama, nailed the coffin shut on national sovereignty in Europe. The people of Europe fought it, but they were overwhelmed by their political elites and the lack of American leadership in this age of our Marxist U.S. president.

Why should Americans care about this? The reason is that this global gobbledygook is coming to America, thanks to our globalist president...
Carbon prices fall in wake of Copenhagen
Subject: txt grn intl owg -
Carbon prices plunged yesterday in the aftermath of the Copenhagen conference on climate change, dealing a blow to the credibility of the European Union's carbon-trading scheme. Prices for carbon permits for December 2010 delivery, the benchmark contract for pricing European permits, dropped nearly 10 per cent in early trading, before recovering to end the day 8.3 per cent lower at €12.41. Lower prices give companies less incentive to invest in cutting their greenhouse gas output.
[There's money involved with the climate 'crisis'?]
IPCC chief benefits financially from his own rulings
Subject: txt 1st grn owg -The perfect man to head up climate change panel
What business does Dr Rajendra Pachauri, a guy with a PHD in economics and no scientific training on climate have in heading up the UN's powerful Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?
C'mon...this is the UN we're talking about here. Besides, he is an expert on one aspect of climate change; getting rich off trading carbon credits.
Christopher Booker and Richard North writing in the UK Telegraph:
Although Dr Pachauri is often presented as a scientist (he was even once described by the BBC as "the world's top climate scientist"), as a former railway engineer with a PhD in economics he has no qualifications in climate science at all.What has also almost entirely escaped attention, however, is how Dr Pachauri has established an astonishing worldwide portfolio of business interests with bodies which have been investing billions of dollars in organisations dependent on the IPCC's policy recommendations... [snip]
Remarkable? Not hardly. And this is a guy who has taken climate skeptics to task for being tools of the fossil fuel industry?
In a sane world, this guy wouldn't have even gotten a smell of heading up the IPCC. But the UN is not a sane place, nor is it a moral institution. It is as corrupt a body that exists on this planet, making some third world governments seem clean by comparison.
Who is going to call for this gentleman's ouster? Not anyone that the UN will listen to.
Get the U.N. Out of the Climate Business
Subject: txt grn owg -
In the aftermath of the Copenhagen Climate conference, it is clear that the United Nations-driven process is a bust, and that any similar process requiring economic suicide and massive wealth transfers will go nowhere.What went on in Copenhagen was more political theater than an effort to think about realistic approaches to managing the risk of climate change. The world would be better off with a fresh start and a process that isn't run by U.N. bureaucrats for whom every problem is an excuse to expand their power.
It is long since time to drop this charade, take the question of climate change out of the hands of the U.N., and implement more reasonable, fact based policies...
[Recommended > ]
Green Snoopers get power to enter your home without a warrant
Subject: txt grn sclm bbro lbrty -As many as 20,000 town hall snoopers have assumed powers to enter people's homes without a warrant and search for information, a survey revealed last night.
The bureaucrats are benefiting from the 1,043 state powers of entry in primary and secondary legislation – more than 400 of which have been created by Labour. These include checking for fridges which do not have the correct eco-friendly energy rating...
Newsweek Protests Nancy Pelosi Is Painted as a 'Far-Out Liberal,' But...
Subject: txt msm bias sclm hcare reps 2010 -
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift clearly suggests a schizophrenic approach in her year-end interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She insists conservatives are wrong to paint her as a "far-out liberal."
But then turns around and asks how liberals, "your people," are disappointed there wasn't a pullout from Afghanistan, a "public option," and abortion on demand.
Clift told Pelosi many liberals didn't expect bargaining and pussy-footing, but a full-speed-ahead socialist push...
Republican Politicians Make A Social Media Push
Subject: txt gdd mny reps -
After the Senate health care bill passed this week, Rep. Duncan Hunter of California made it clear in the weekly GOP radio address that Republicans aren't happy about the direction Congress is taking.
"Let's resolve in the new year to end misguided efforts to create new laws that will cost even more jobs,"
Insist that GOP Make Repeal of Government-Run Health Care a 2010 Issue
Conservatives need to insist that the GOP press its opposition to big-government health care right through the 2010 elections.
Joy Behar: Sarah Palin’s ‘Base Doesn’t Even Read’
[1.6 Million hard copies and counting...
Joy who?]
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Obama says U.S. doing 'everything in our power' to prevent terror
Subject: txt gwot nsec crpt libs reps -
Romulus, Michigan (CNN) -- President Obama warned Monday that the United States would respond aggressively to terrorism such as last week's botched attempt to blow up a U.S. airliner. "Those who would slaughter innocent men, women and children must know the United States will do more than simply strengthen our defenses," Obama said.
We Interrupt this Socialization of Medicine to Bring You an Abdication of Our National Defense . . .
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
Quite intentionally, the Obama administration is making so many radical moves on so many different fronts simultaneously that it's difficult to stay on top of them all, much less give them the attention they deserve. But while we argue health care and Iran policy and a civilian trial for KSM and the decision to transfer enemy combatants to a U.S. prison, it's important to notice how dangerously irresponsible the administration's obsession to close Gitmo has become, and how tawdry the Justice Department is allowing itself to appear... [snip]
The original 800 included some marginal figures (to hear the Left tell it, all the detainees were shepherds indiscriminately swept up by the Northern Alliance to win bribe money from the CIA). But now we are down to a much smaller core group — detainees whose cases we've had years to study and whom we've held despite enormous pressure to release them.These are the worst of the worst. We have an absolute right under the laws of war to hold them, and when one of them gets sprung it's cause for grave concern....
Two airplane bomb plotters released from GItmo
Yes, but at least everyone likes us nowTwo of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, ABC News is reporting, quoting American officials and citing Department of Defense documents.
American officials agreed to send the two terrorists to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials, ABC News reported.
Guantanamo prisoner #333, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari, were sent to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Defense Department log of detainees who were released from American custody.
Al-Harbi has since changed his name to Muhamad al-Awfi.
Napolitano set to meet Israeli officials
Subject: txt gwot nsec israel -
[Good. Ask them how they keep their skies safe {completely surrounded by murderous lunatics}.
A: They don't profile objects - that's a losing formula as we're behind the evolutionary arms-race.
They profile passengers, the constant in terrorism, to KNOWN Terrorists profiles...]
Politicizing the terror attack
More concerned with sticking it to Fox News than in informing the country
Perhaps all of President Barack Obama's (D) czars and czarinas were too busy stashing their Christmas loot into offshore accounts untouched by the IRS so there weren't enough to appear on all the major networks to inform the American public on the terror attack in the skies above Detroit.
But then again, maybe not. At Front Page Magazine, Liz Blaine describes how the administration politicized this major event which affects all Americans by ignoring one network. You know which one.
Taking his vendetta with Fox News to a new low, President Obama sent an administration spokesperson to appear on every network but Fox to discuss the Northwest Airlines flight 253 terror attack.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs appeared on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, NBC's Meet the Press and CBS' Face the Nation. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano appeared on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, NBC's Meet the Press, and CNN's State of the Nation.
Communicating to the American people the facts and status of an attempted terror attack should be of paramount importance to a President plunging in the polls, but Obama appears more obsessed with ostracizing Fox News than keeping the American people informed of the war on terror.
The sounds of silence didn't seem to affect Fox's coverage though; perhaps even enhanced it as they didn't have to cope with the phony administration reassurances that all is fine with the flying public as long as you don't use the bathroom in the last segment of your trip.
image c-art msm bias oby fnn = Oby-baby re Fox touching him
Making Jihadists
Bewildered by what fanatic Muslims do, some conclude that Muslims are brainwashed. The reality is far worse
Islam is a powerful magnet for the masses that are unable to deal with the uncertainties of life and death on their own. It is from this population, many already thoroughly indoctrinated from birth, that the majority of diehard jihadists emerge... [snip]
America must come to terms with the reality that orthodox Islam requires unceasing jihad. Eradication of jihadism is a daunting task. Massive education efforts, combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity.
In the monumental task of dealing with jihadism, every individual, group and government must combine their resources and energies to prevail. The destiny of the civilized life hangs in the balance.
Honor” Horror
Subject: txt islm -
“Mum, don’t untie me. I want to die.”
These heart-rending words from beyond the grave helped last week to convict Britain’s latest “honor” murderer, Mehmet Goren, 49. The father of four brutally killed his 15-year-old daughter, Tulay, ten years ago for having fallen in love.
A week after Tulay’s disappearance, Unal himself became the target of an honor murder. Mehmet Gornon tried to kill him in an axe attack that put Unal in hospital with a serious neck injury. Gornon and his two brothers were also charged for that assault.
There are about a dozen reported honor murders every year now in England. How many remain unreported is unknown. After each new act of such savagery, though, the English are left asking what is happening to their once civilized country that gave the world the Magna Carta and parliamentary democracy.
Citizenship fair reaches out to Muslims
California [HT:FC]
MISSION VIEJO- Citizenship officials are reaching out to the Muslim community in Orange County this month, partnering up with various Muslim organizations to hold informational sessions in Anaheim and Mission Viejo.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services staff will be on hand to discuss the steps needed for the naturalization process and provide information about eligibility and residency requirements.
'Heroes' of Discovery Channel Show Use Lasers on Japanese Whalers
Subject: txt grn edu msm bias bdd intl -
The Discovery Channel program "Whale Wars" portrays the radical activists of the left-wing Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as heroes going up against Japanese whaling ships, instead of the pirate-like harassers they really are.
According to, a self-proclaimed "green" gossip site, the group revealed it was using a "photonic disruptor" against the whaling crew. According to says that particular laser has been featured on another Discovery Channel program - "Future Weapons" - and it can "temporarily overwhelm a threat's visual senses."
Both Discovery and Ecorazzi paint the Sea Shepherd crew as heroes in the fight against evil whalers rather than expose the groups' extremist viewpoints. The "Whale Wars" Web page describes them as the only group standing between "a 750-ton whale-killing machine and its prey. Whale Wars follows the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as they seek to end Japanese whaling once and for all."
The 'Global Imbalances' Myth
Subject: txt intl mny owg -
As the economic crisis has eased in recent months, a questionable international consensus has emerged: The global economy needs to be rebalanced. "We cannot follow the same policies that led to such imbalanced growth," President Barack Obama said during his Asia trip last month. European Central Bank head Jean-Claude Trichet declared in September that "imbalances have been at the roots of the present difficulties. If we don't correct them, we'll have the recipe for the next major crisis."
These global "imbalances" supposedly include excessive American consumption, too much trade flowing from Asia to the West and not enough from the U.S. to Asia, and too much saving combined with insufficient spending by Chinese consumers. But what if the whole notion of global imbalances is a myth, and that policies to reverse them only make things worse?
The blunt fact is that at no point in the past century has there been anything resembling a global economic equilibrium...
Seattle Times Publishes Erroneous Editorial on Cuba Trade Facts
Subject: txt sclm msm intl -Oops!
It seems that the Seattle Times couldn't be bothered to do even a bit of simple research. If they had, they might have spared themselves from publishing an editorial that got the facts about American trade with Cuba completely wrong:
SEN. Maria Cantwell calls our attention to a law, signed by President Obama, allowing Cuba to buy U.S. farm produce and pay after the goods are shipped. The law reverses a Treasury ruling during the Bush years that Cuba had to pay in advance — a ruling that stopped the trade altogether.
As Humberto Fontova of the Babalu Blog colorfully pointed out:
$720 million just last year in U.S. exports to Cuba! We're Cuba's BIGGEST food supplier for almost a decade!...and YET..?!
...And YET the editorial staff of an eminently prestigious big-city newspaper was incapable of the ONE Google search that now makes COMPLETE JACKASSES of them ALL!!!
Taxpayer-Funded Wind Farms: Jobs for China
Subject: txt intl grn engry sclm bbro - ( – Wind-power projects funded in part by the $787-billion Recovery Act (stimulus law) are coming under scrutiny at a time when President Obama and other Democrats have promoted alternative forms of energy production. Two New York Democrats – Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Eric Massa – are among the lawmakers criticizing specific wind-power projects that are getting hundreds of millions in taxpayer subsidies.
POLL: Most Americans Worry Government Will Do Too Much
Subject: txt sclm bbro hcare mny =A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 35% are more concerned that the government will not do enough. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.
These numbers are roughly the same as a month ago.
When President Obama took office in January, 48% worried about too much government while 40% feared that the government wouldn’t do enough.Thirty percent (30%) of voters now believe the $787-billion economic stimulus plan has helped the economy. But 38% say the stimulus plan has hurt the economy, marking the first time since the legislation passed in February that a plurality has held a negative view of its impact. The week after the president signed the bill, 34% said it would help the economy, while 32% said it would hurt.
Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats worry more than the government will not do enough to help the economy. Sixty-seven percent (67%) of Republicans and 71% of voters not affiliated with either party have the opposite concern and fear the government will do too much. [unusual split - typo?]
Sixty-six percent (66%) of all voters prefer a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes over a more active government with more services and higher taxes.
[But most voted for Obama. How explain? {hint: M, S, M...}]READ MORE
Another Senator refuses to say where authority to mandate health insurance stems
Subject: txt bbro sclm legal crpt hcare -Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) declined to say where Congress gets the constitutional authority to require every American to have health insurance, as both the Senate and House health care bills mandate. At the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, Dec. 22, asked Senator Lautenberg, ''Specifically where in the Constitution does Congress get the authority to mandate that individuals have health insurance?''
Lautenberg said, ''I am not going to answer that,'' and then walked away...
[Not going to say where they've the authority?
We're losing control.]
It’s Not Socialism, It’s Communism
[HT:WP]If you felt a frisson of fear on news that the Senate had passed Obamacare the day before Christmas, then you now know what it was and is like to live in a dictatorship. The voice of the people was ignored in a demonstration of raw political power.
There was a time when Americans took Communism seriously.
2009: A year of new lows
Subject: txt lbrty crpt reps libs bdd sclm bbro - What a difference a year makes! Last year, it was all about “hope and change.” This year, it is all about “smoke and mirrors.” Last year was “post-partisan”; this year is “post-partisan depression.”
Last year we had a Constitution; this year we don’t.
Relief Without Limits: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Get Blank Checks; NYT Provides Blank Coverage
Subject: txt mny msm -
On Thursday, the Treasury Department issued a press release, called "Update on Status of Support for Housing Programs." Its fourth paragraph reads as follows:
At the time the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship in September 2008, Treasury established Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements (PSPAs) to ensure that each firm maintained a positive net worth. Treasury is now amending the PSPAs to allow the cap on Treasury's funding commitment under these agreements to increase as necessary to accommodate any cumulative reduction in net worth over the next three years. At the conclusion of the three year period, the remaining commitment will then be fully available to be drawn per the terms of the agreements.
Translation: No matter how badly things further deteriorate at these former government sponsored enterprises, both of which since last year in essence become government-controlled enterprises, Uncle Sam (i.e., current and future generations of taxpayers) will cover their losses.
Here is how three different news outlets headlined this Treasury/Obama administration move:
Obama feigns outrage over bonuses, then approvesbigger bailout for bonus-givers Fannie and Freddie
Subject: txt mny crpt libs reps bdd -This deserves -- and will get -- much more than the passing reference of a weekend blog post, but it is significant to see this news go down the Christmas news dump:
“The Obama administration pledged Thursday to provide unlimited financial assistance to mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, an eleventh-hour move that allows the government to exceed the current $400 billion cap on emergency aid without seeking permission from a bailout-weary Congress."