Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dooming Europe

Subject: txt owg - sclm -

"The Europe as you know it from visiting, from your parents, or friends is on the verge of collapsing."

Geert Wilders said this in a speech he made in the U.S. last year. He went on:
"We are now witnessing profound changes that will forever alter Europe's destiny and might send the continent in what Ronald Reagan called 'a thousand years of darkness.'"

This applies not just to Europe, but to America as well.

Been to Europe lately? Thought it was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet. The passage of the Lisbon Treaty, hailed by Barack Obama, nailed the coffin shut on national sovereignty in Europe. The people of Europe fought it, but they were overwhelmed by their political elites and the lack of American leadership in this age of our Marxist U.S. president.

Come January 1, 2010, a disastrous and suicidal pact called the Euro-Med Partnership (referring to Europe and the Mediterranean region) goes into effect with little fanfare or examination. It boggles the mind that such a consequential and seismic cultural shift could be mandated and put into play without so much as a murmur from the mainstream media.

Why should Americans care about this? The reason is that this global gobbledygook is coming to America, thanks to our globalist president...


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