Wednesday, December 30, 2009

U.S. looks for bombs instead of terrorists

Subject: txt gwot nsec -
Incompetent State Department consular officials and poor enforcement of visa procedures that have been in place long before the personal computer, the Xerox machine or even the jet airliner are the problem here. And we aren’t hearing a word about it.

Better the American public should be forced to endure another blizzard of press releases announcing another round of ridiculous indignities by dazzling Rube Goldberg technology rather than have our press and our government demand an accounting from the employees at a government bureaucracy who can’t even comply with their own time-tested procedures.

No, no, it’s the privacy restrictions placed on air travel screening, replies former DHS official Stewart Coffin... [snip]

1) rescinding the new TSA rules;

2) reviving the targeted screening procedures abandoned under pressure from so-called privacy advocates

3) keeping the focus on the State Department’s botched information sharing.


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