Tuesday, December 29, 2009

POLL: Most Americans Worry Government Will Do Too Much

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A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 35% are more concerned that the government will not do enough. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.

These numbers are roughly the same as a month ago.

When President Obama took office in January, 48% worried about too much government while 40% feared that the government wouldn’t do enough.

Thirty percent (30%) of voters now believe the $787-billion economic stimulus plan has helped the economy. But 38% say the stimulus plan has hurt the economy, marking the first time since the legislation passed in February that a plurality has held a negative view of its impact. The week after the president signed the bill, 34% said it would help the economy, while 32% said it would hurt.

Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats worry more than the government will not do enough to help the economy. Sixty-seven percent (67%) of Republicans and 71% of voters not affiliated with either party have the opposite concern and fear the government will do too much. [unusual split - typo?]

Sixty-six percent (66%) of all voters prefer a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes over a more active government with more services and higher taxes.

[But most voted for Obama. How explain? {hint: M, S, M...}]


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