Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Yes, Janet, There Is A 'War On Terror'

Subject: txt gwot - nsec -
Homeland Security: Al-Qaida's botched Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Flight 253 raises a series of concerns about U.S. vulnerability. Chief among them: a Homeland Security chief in denial that we are at war.

The nearly 300 trans-Atlantic passengers targeted for death by alleged would-be suicide bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab were saved not by any policy of the Homeland Security Department, but by the good luck of a detonator malfunctioning... [snip]

"Overseas contingency operations" and "man-made disasters,"

the favored substitute terms, are bureaucratese jargon designed to muddle the minds of the public and get people focused on this administration's domestic agenda of expanding the government.

Pretending away the global war on terror only invites attacks like the one we just saw, and this administration is shirking its duties to the American people in embracing such a mind-set.


[Pentagon] ....[Pennsylvania {flt. 93 smoke}]


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