Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What stops mass murderers? A gun

[HT:GG]Subject: txt lbrty gun gwot 1st -
Hasan reportedly had fired more than 100 rounds, requiring him to change handgun magazines several times -- Sgt. Todd said Hasan was reloading again when he shot the suspect.

Why didn't any of the hundreds of Army personnel in the room shoot back, ending his killing spree far sooner?

Because they couldn't.

Among President Bill Clinton's first acts upon taking office in 1993 "was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases," the Washington Times points out.

But mass murderers do generally have a harder time of it in Texas, nowadays, thanks to the legislative response to the second deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, which also occurred in Killeen, Texas -- home to Fort Hood.

In 1991, George Hennard drove his pickup through the window of a Luby's cafeteria in Killeen, jumped out and began firing two pistols at the defenseless customers and employees inside, killing 23.

As Jacob Sullum pointed out in his syndicated column in last week's Review-Journal, one customer, Suzanna Hupp, saw Hennard gun down her parents. Mrs. Hupp later testified that she had brought a handgun with her that day but, to her bitter regret, left it in her car as [then] required by state law.

Hupp ran for and was elected to the Texas Legislature, where she was able to win passage of a "shall issue" law that requires authorities to issue a concealed carry permit to any resident who meets certain objective criteria.

Unless they join the Army.


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