Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are We At War or Aren’t We?

Subject: txt gwot 1st -

By banning any talk of a “War on Terror” and bringing through a civilian criminal trial for the mastermind of 9/11, Obama and his fellow liberals are doing their best to whitewash Al Queda as nothing more than common criminals.

This refusal to accept that Al Queda has made war on America, rather than carried out a few lone attacks which we should all get over with, has been at the heart of the Clinton Administration’s misguided approach to terrorism, as well as the ongoing liberal furor over Bush treating Al Queda as an enemy, rather than a bunch of hoodlums who need to be put on the usual legal treadmill to nowhere.

The absurdity of the whole thing is obvious, as liberals propose to take Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a man who is not an American citizen or resident alien and route him into a US criminal court system for attacks that both he and the US government at the time considered acts of war.

[Tell me; how does the criminal justice's deterrence mechanism of retribution work on suicide bombers?

A: It doesn't. They must be interdicted, through intelligence gathering, and expunged before they acquire WMD - their stated goal.

This 'terrorism as crime' nonsense is dangerous - we need conduct this battle as the war it is or risk losing -

Do you really think this administration wouldn't completely capitulate to terrorists with a nuke within our borders?]


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