Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Devaluing the Dollar by Trashing Private Health Care

Subject: txt hcare mny -
The main driver of the collapse of the dollar is the liquidity provided by the Fed at nominal interest rates, which invites a worldwide army of investors to short the dollar and buy foreign stocks and bonds.

It is not a coincidence that the dollar's decline relative to other currencies and gold has accelerated over the last three months since the health care debate has culminated for the moment in the passage of H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act.

To get a true sense of Congress's irresponsibility, it is necessary to outline at least a portion of the breathtaking scope of what they are attempting. As listed before, the Act is grossly inflationary because it mandates or results in (1) more coverage requirements per person, (2) more people covered, (3) fewer doctors per patient to provide care, (4) more adverse selection, (5) unreformed and unrepentant tort lawyers, (6) sharply higher health care unionization, and (7) less private interstate competition.

Every time Congress spends, or evens threatens to spend, without getting full value in return, they effectively destroy value compared to what might have been and what should have been.

Disrespecting the dollar by trashing private health care will do nothing but destroy one of our truly world-class industries, result in fewer people getting actual health insurance, wastefully spend money we don't have, and invite fraud on a level that will make Fannie Mae blush.

[But it would achieve its real goal.]


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