Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Presumed Guilty

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On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace gave Jack Reed, Democratic Senator from Rhode Island, an opportunity to defend the decision to give KSM a civilian trial in New York. After enumerating the many injuries this could cause the country, Wallace asked Reed for one advantage Attorney General Holder’s decision might bring.

Reed, well known as a talking head for the White House, said that such a trial will

“stand as a symbol in the world of something different than what the terrorists represent.”

This administration is obsessed with American guilt–so ambivalent about our country’s intrinsic meaning that it feels it must invent a new symbolism to convince the rest of the world that we are a good and decent nation.

Other countries may be on the fence about whether we’re all that different from the terrorists, the logic of Reed’s comment seemed to suggest, so we must have a show trial to convince them that we are...


[It has noting to do with fighting terrorism - it's just another opportunity to try the Bush administration and the CIA.]

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