Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Obama decision on Afghanistan strategy due in 'a matter of weeks,' says Jones

President Barack Obama will make a decision on how to proceed in Afghanistan in "a matter of weeks," his national security advisor said Sunday.

Retired Gen. James L. Jones, who serves as national security advisor, said that the U.S. military effort in Afghanistan is in no imminent danger of failure, and that the president would consider a variety of broad, strategic directions to pursue before determining whether he would grant a top general's request for more troops.

"We have time on the president's schedule," Jones said. "In the coming weeks, we will have vigorous debates."

"The good news that Americans should at least feel good about is that the al-Qaeda presence is very diminished."

[And Taliban are murdering American GIs.]


image toon - gwot - Oby on letterman v in Afghanistan

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