Tuesday, October 6, 2009


How is it possible that, now a year after his election, he does not have a clue as to what to do in Afghanistan?

It would seem that a commander-in-chief, locked in a momentous war with extremists who wish to destroy this country, would already have a clear idea as to his general course of action. If one's overriding principle were to defend the nation against future attacks, one would wish to deny safe-havens to terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda.

Afghanistan presents a clear and present danger in this regard, and one would expect the president to take the necessary action, to rally our troops and our allies, and to exert leadership in defending his course of action, no matter how unpopular with his political base.

Instead, Obama is reportedly 'considering options' ranging from pulling out entirely or scaling back to sending in 40,000 additional troops.

The only answer is that he is vacillating because he is unsure which way the political winds are blowing. Once the political calculation has been made, the president will probably appear before Congress and announce a decisive course of action.

Whether or not that course of action is right for the country, whether or not it protects us against future attacks, and whether or not it safeguards the lives of our troops and those of our allies appears to be entirely irrelevant... [snip]

The president's indecisiveness has real consequences for the future of this country.

Underlying the Obama's mulling and considering is the simple fact that this president sets politics over principles. But while the president is trying to figure out which option will garner the most votes in the next election, and bring in the largest contributions from liberal supporters, some of our finest young men are dying in the mountains of Afghanistan...


image toon gwot nsec = GIs wonder if they'd get time off to do Letterman

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