Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Cap and trade would add $1700 bucks to every American household's energy bill - and Obama's own Treasury department confirms it

From a New York Post editorial:

The Treasury analysis puts the actual nationwide cost of cap-and-trade at some $200 billion a year - or $1,761 per household. That figure is very close to the $1,870 amount estimated by the Heritage Foundation prior to the vote in the House.

Families will be hit with a steep climate-change tax, after all. And that will certainly include working- and middle-class folks who make less than $250,000 a year.

Second, the analysis was kept secret and only recently leaked. That directly violates President Obama's vows of transparency...

John Kerry is leading the charge to bring the cap and trade bill to the floor of the senate before year's end.

Meanwhile, what of all those Blue Dog House members from coal producing states who voted for cap and trade? I'm sure their GOP opponents are licking their chops at the prospect of running a few ads based on this Treasury report...


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