Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to Lose a War

Gone are the days when generals were allowed to prosecute wars as if they were wars rather than dog wagging election tales.

Since the weary end of the Vietnam War we haven't seen such a situation where every major engagement proved victorious for us and still we lost ground at home. In those days, we defeated ourselves, gathered up our traitorous salivating media hordes and went home to further batter and shame our beaten warriors.

Today that same shameful loss of fortitude rears its ugly head and threatens to defeat us in Afghanistan, a replay of Vietnam's historic dishonor of our troops.

Here we are on the raggedy edge. Lives have been lost and many more will be tested. Will Mr. Obama take the road to Vietnam's end and dishonor those sacrifices? Or choosing the harder road, which, though not guaranteeing his reelection, may go far toward ensuring a better world tomorrow.

Without more troops, the war in Afghanistan is lost.


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