Monday, May 10, 2010

It's tea party time

Subject: txt tea 2010 -
NO ONE doubts the sincerity or power of the tea party movement anymore. We get it:

Free-market principles, limited government and individual liberty.

Those are the three fundaments of the tea party's "Contract from America," to which any serious Republican must subscribe.

If Obamaphiles have been sipping Kool-Aid, Bennett's primary challengers have been steeping in the bitter tea of an angry electorate. Indeed, more than two-thirds of delegates to the upcoming Utah Republican convention consider themselves to be tea party supporters.

Much the same is happening in other states.

In Arizona, uber-veteran John McCain, whose American Conservative Union rating last year was only 63, is fighting for the Senate seat he has held for more than 23 years against tea party favorite J.D. Hayworth. In Indiana, Rep. Mark Souder was pummeled by car dealer-challenger Bob Thomas for his vote on TARP. In Florida, Marco Rubio has the tea winds at his back for the U.S. Senate nomination, which forced Gov. Charlie Crist to declare himself an independent.

It is certainly not objectionable that Americans reshuffle the deck now and then.

Entrenched politicos become too beholden over time to special interests, and the false ideal of win-at-all-costs electoral job security. Our Founding Fathers warned against professional politicians for good reason...



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