Monday, May 10, 2010

You won't see this May Day video on TV...

Subject: txt immig cali action = FW: Patriot Alert! You WON'T
Here's the video that Rachel (from TriValley Patriots) and Steve (from the Minutemen) shot at the May Day Protest last Saturday, May 1st, in San Francisco. Please rate it on YouTube (this makes it more visible on the internet.)

[select to watch video]

Ignited by the recent passage of Arizona's immigration law, fueled by many Democratic politicians, left wing, communist and socialist groups, and spurred on by the liberal media, these marchers took aim at us tax paying American Citizens.

They chanted "racist go home" as they advanced to the barricades that the police placed there to protect us from harm. We were forty and they were two thousand.

Joined by many radical left Americans (what else would you expect to find in San Francisco these days), it was obvious to us that they had "pre-judged" us as racist, neo-Nazis , white supremacist and anti immigrant, just because we want the United States borders secured and illegal immigration stopped.

We stayed two and half hours, enduring there shouts, slurs, middle finger gestures and dirty looks, in a country that is ours, and in a state that we pay taxes to. All so many of these people can eat, get an education, get medical care, and pay rent - on our dime. And San Francisco welcomes illegal aliens with open arms, having declared itself a "Sanctuary City" for these foreign nationals in 1989.

The Police escorted us to the parking lot, or surely this crowd of "harmless people", "here just to make a living and feed their families", surely would have attacked us.

Only in America could non citizens be placed ahead of Citizens who were born here, lead good honest lives, and pay taxes to keep America safe and secure.

I'm disgusted at what the United States of America has become over the past 30 years.



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