Monday, May 10, 2010

CBO Estimate: $85 Billion April Deficit, Federal Receipts Still Falling; AP, Rest of Media Ignore

Subject: txt pubmny msm -
If a genuine, sustained economic recovery is truly underway, why can't the government show us the money? This would appear to be a question the establishment press has no interest in answering.

When the government's Monthly Treasury Statement is released next Wednesday, the anticipation is that it will show an April deficit of $85 billion. That estimate comes from the Congressional Budget Office, which released its Monthly Budget Review yesterday.

The government almost always runs an April surplus because it's the biggest month for tax collections.

But as seen in the chart that follows, April receipts have cratered during the past two years by stunning amounts compared to April 2007 and 2008. The April 2010 plunge continues a nearly unbroken trend of year-over-year declines in monthly receipts going back almost two years:


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