Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Truth About Progressives

Subject: txt sclm lbrty -
To fully understand the progressive movement and their current rush to grab one-sixth of the US economy via unconstitutional federal health care mandates, one must follow the trail that leads from the Maoist Movement of the 60s that started in Berkley California, and the Marxist Movement that has culminated in the joint venture between the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA, today’s Democratic Socialists of America.

You do not have to believe what I tell you in this column. But if you study the sources linked in this column, no reasonable mind can come to any other conclusion.

These are NOT your grandparents’ Democrats.

Information is power. If most Americans were aware of all that is presented in this column, they would know exactly what to do to save their Constitutional Republic, while they still can...


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