Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Useless public works projects aren't jump-starting economy

Subject: txt crpt mny sclm -
Early in his administration, Barack Obama asked Congress for a $787 billion "stimulus package." This was to be money for projects, which the administration referred to as "shovel ready." The idea was that these public works projects would "jump-start" the economy.

Public works projects did not jump-start the American economy during the Great Depression. More recently, public works projects did not jump-start the Japanese economy. I cannot explain why Congress and the administration believed that something that did not work in the past would, somehow, suddenly become effective.

However, I can explain why public works projects are not a very effective means to stimulate economies...

[I can: it has nothing to do with improving the private sector economy - it's about expanding the influence and power of government in any & all areas. He who controls the purse...]


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