Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Schwarzenegger calls ObamaCare a “ripoff”

Subject: txt cali hcar - fnn -
When exactly did California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger discover that ObamaCare was nothing more than a “ripoff”?

Despite that the fact that the states would get stuck with huge increases in Medicaid had been apparent since the first drafts of the bill in Congress in the summer, Schwarzenegger only had his Road to Damascus moment when Ben Nelson cut a better deal with Harry Reid in the Senate bill than either of his two useless Senate Democrats, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.

Now the Governator has belatedly come out full force against ObamaCare, probably too late to undo the damage he did by providing Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Reid with a fig leaf of bipartisanship over the last few months...

['Thanks' Arnie. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.]


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