Tuesday, January 12, 2010

There Is Something You Can Do to Stop Obamacare

Subject: txt 1st action hcare -
Politics has often been called the “Art of the Possible.” We have seen many a strange thing happen in the history of American elections. But nothing would be more unexpected, or more immediately helpful to the American people, than if Republican State Senator Scott Brown could pull of the mother of all upsets and capture the special election for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat on January 19th.

State Attorney General Martha Coakley won the Democratic Primary and has taken a cavalier attitude towards what she expected would be her coronation in the general.

Meanwhile, Senator Brown, and Army Reservist and an energetic campaigner, has been waging an insurgent battle that has pulled him to statistical dead heat in the polls... [snip]

In Massachusetts, the state held up by Democrats as the example of how their idea of reform can work, the voters know differently. This race is their chance to have their say on the Bay State’s experience and whether or not the idea should be taken much, much further in geographic, economic and regulatory terms.

A Brown victory would deny the Democrats the 60 votes necessary to shove through the takeover of the nation’s health care system against the will of the American people.

It is also evidently the only opportunity for Americans to have any say what so ever on the pending bill...


[As often as not, influencing modern politics means putting your dollars where your mouth is - our opponents do - so please consider joining me in donating to Mr. Brown's campaign today...

Bright Red CONTRIBUTE button at top right - one time for any amount - it worked well for me...

...and please do pass on to like minded friends.]

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