Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why Repeal Can Really Happen

Subject: txt hcare -
In the first five weeks after ObamaCare's passage, Americans favored repeal by a whopping 16 points (56 to 40 percent), according to Rasmussen's poll of likely voters. Now, in the wake of developments such as the news that ObamaCare has actually prompted major corporations to discuss the possibility of dropping their employer-sponsored health plans, that number has risen to 19 points (56 to 37) -- and to 28 points among independents (60 to 32 percent). Independents actually favor repeal by more than Democrats oppose it (34 percent of Democrats support repeal, while 58 percent oppose it).

Nineteen points is bigger than the margin by which anybody has won a U.S. presidential election since Nixon routed McGovern (by 23 points) in 1972. Twenty-eight points is bigger than the popular margin by which anybody has won a presidential election in our entire history.

To say that the full repeal of ObamaCare is realistic is merely to state the obvious. To say the opposite is to deny that the voters are the ultimate source of power in America.



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