Thursday, May 13, 2010

Harry Reid’s “Smaller” Energy Bill Would Come with Big Costs

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Senator’s John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) are set to release the Senate version of a cap and trade bill that will call for a 17 percent cut in emissions below 2005 levels by 2020.

But if cap and trade cannot garner enough support, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) is prepared with a backup plan. Over the weekend Senator Reid told Spanish television network Univision,

I can do one this big because I have a couple of Republicans who would help me on that. But the big bill that we need to do, they are not helping us on that, but I can do a smaller energy bill.”

[I.e., subvert the democratic process, again.]

The Hill reports that this could include a number of provisions, above all, a renewable electricity standard.

This may be small in Senator Reid’s eyes, but the cost to American families and American businesses will be enormous according to a new study from The Heritage Foundation.


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