Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reagan-Hating Kagan

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It’s more than a little tiresome to contemplate that every current liberal Supreme Court justice was touted by the national media as a moderate or even a conservative when they were originally announced, from John Paul Stevens to Sonia Sotomayor. Dan Rather even claimed the last retiree, David Souter, was dangerously “anti-women’s rights” when he was nominated in 1990.

So it was less than shocking that the latest liberal nominee, Elena Kagan, drew the same phony “moderate” baloney.

ABC anchor Diane Sawyer greeted the nomination with goo:

“She is expected to play a role as somewhat of a conciliator, the bridge across the conservative and liberal wings of the Court. In fact, she loves opera, which Justice Scalia loves.”

What more evidence of her judicial philosophy do we need?


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