Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown roars to Senate upset win


State Sen. Scott Brown has pulled a Massachusetts miracle and has upset his Democratic rival to capture the open U.S. Senate seat by a 7 point margin. Brown, 50, of Wrentham, will roll into Washington as the nation struggles with health-care reform. But Brown has vowed to be “the 41st Senator” that will defeat the measure. Democrat Martha Coakley, the state’s attorney general, has gone down in defeat.

Little guy sends message to Washington
Washington Examiner, by Michael Barone

The final percentages aren't in as this is written, but it's plain that Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley by a substantial margin in the race for the remainder of the late Edward Kennedy's Senate term. (snip)Obama and "the educated class" think they know what is best for the little guy. The voters of Massachusetts (Massachusetts!) beg to differ.

I think it's time to rent: "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."

Brown ready to go to DC 'without delay'


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