Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fixing the Financial System: The Fix Is In

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The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission was created by Congress "to examine the causes, domestic and global, of the current financial and economic crisis in the United States." But look at what is off-limits.

There are 22 specific causes of the crisis that the commission is required to examine and report on... [snip]

This laundry list implies that the creators of the commission already know all the causes of the crisis and they need to just flesh out the details. There is no provision that they must examine and report on "all other causes which the commission may identify in the course of its inquiry."

Most importantly, nowhere in this list will you find the word "legislation," nor any direction to evaluate negative impacts of government interference in free markets.

This is not surprising, the commission having been created by a Reid-Pelosi Congress and approved by President Obama. I worry that the FCIC will find a myriad of problems with the financial markets, all seemingly ripe for government solutions. But they will refuse to find that government intrusion in the financial markets was a key underlying cause of the crisis.

Clearly, the Democratic Party expects to leverage the Commission's findings into more government intrusion and not less...



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