Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama's bank bashing killing wealth creation

Subject: txt mny bdd -
It is ironic that, last year, when too many Americans were still under the illusion that Obama's stimulus program, deficit spending and cap and trade and health care monstrosities were somehow going to help rescue the economy (they aren't any longer), Obama's loose tongue was already diminishing the wealth of the American people. It got so bad that even Bill Clinton had to tell him to button it.

Well, here we go again. This past week his Excellency reprised his repeated thrashing of the banking and insurance industries - with the same result on the stock market. Since more than half of Americans are now shareholders, it is not unfair to lay the blame for a decline in the typical American taxpayer's wealth at Obama's feet.

This is what we get for electing an ignorant community organizer with no expertise in running a newsstand, much less a country...


image toon - 1st fnn mny 2010 = Speaking of recessions - Oby Hope receeding

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