Monday, January 25, 2010

California Dems seek single payer health insurance

[HT:FC]Subject: Fwd: txt cali hcare action NPAC >>> -
Just two days after Republican Scott Brown's election, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced she no longer has the votes in the House to pass the Senate version of the health care bill. In effect, the plan for national health care has imploded in Washington D.C.

One would think that the liberal Democrats, even in California, would take a lesson from the Massachusetts election and what it means. Instead, what happened in Sacramento this week is a slap in the face to the citizens of California, and spit in the eye to voters nationwide.

Democrats in the California Legislature's Senate Appropriations committee, led by Sen. Mark Leno ( D-San Francisco) have voted, without any comment, to approve a bill SB 810 which will outlaw private health insurance in California and create a single-payer health insurance system in the state.

California's non-partisan Legislative Budget Analysis Office says the bill would cost California taxpayers at least $200 billion a year, the bill's language has no taxing or funding mechanism within it to pay for the proposed health care and the bill doesn't take into consideration the "significant" start-up costs and impact on the state's economy:

(See full budget analysis HERE.)

The California governor's office said this morning:

"Any elected official that thinks it's a good idea to strap the state with tens of billions of dollars from a government-run health care system is clearly not in touch with what voters need and deserve," ... "The governor continues to oppose any single-payer government-run health care system."

Here are the Democrats on the California Senate Appropriations Committee who voted in favor of moving SB 810 to a vote of the full legislature.


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