Monday, January 25, 2010

More bias in US against Muslims than other faiths

Subject: txt islm msm bias libs -
NEW YORK-- Americans are more than twice as likely to express prejudice against Muslims than they are against Christians, Jews or Buddhists, a new survey found. Nearly two-thirds of Americans say they have little or no knowledge of Islam. Still, a majority dislike the faith. The analysis, for release Thursday, is from the Gallup World Religion Survey and is part of a project on finding ways to increase understanding between Americans and Muslims.

[And there's no cause whatsoever for that bias - not the prior story re: continued radicalization within mosques, not the photo at right, not the map below of last year's Islamic extremists' terror attacks around the world - nope: it's 100% American intolerance and bigotry.

Muslim's need to understand liberty? Immaterial; it's the West that needs better 'understand' them.]


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