Friday, November 20, 2009

$50,000 to clean up a 2 oz mercury spill

Subject: txt bbro sclm grn bdd -
We're from the government and we're here to bleed you dry. More

George Orwell where are you? Here is the headline in my local newspaper today: "Mercury Removal from T.F. [Twin Falls, Idaho] Apartment complex results in $50,000 bill." That's right - fifty grand.

Two ounces of mercury were found in the road that leads into an apartment complex. It cost local, state, and the federal governments $50,000 to clean up the two ounce catastrophe. Read the EPA report here.

This is a picture of the clean up crew:

The use of compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) will soon be mandatory in the United States. And CFLs contain what?

You can expect the cleanup crew in the picture to be coming to your house - to help you clean up a broken light bulb. Congratulations America. And welcome to George Orwell's worst nightmare.

Update: The EPA report states the amount of mercury was 2 teaspoons. An ounce is 6 teaspoons...


[And we've put them in charge, witness California yesterday where an unelected panel of 5 unanimously deciding to {effectively} ban plasma TVs in the state as energy hogs, continuing the inane mantra that energy is somehow finite and needs be conserved.

Reality: it's a manufactured commodity: MAKE MORE {meaning elect those who will}.]

= grn engry = EN VIRO NUTS re Bush

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