Friday, November 20, 2009

Obama vows 9/11 fiend will get death - then backs off

Subject: txt gwot -
WASHINGTON- For a moment, he became judge, jury and executioner. President Obama yesterday blurted out a predicted conviction and death sentence for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed -- then sheepishly qualified the prejudgment. In one of several TV interviews at the end of his Asia trip, Obama said those offended by the legal privileges offered to Mohammed in a civilian rather than military trial won't find it

"offensive at all when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him."

And then he quickly backtracked, saying he didn't mean to suggest he was prejudging the self-confessed mass murderer.

[Again, no-win situation; either he's acquited due to lack of civil judicial process, or it's a sham show trial - for all the world to see and almost certainly exposing intelligence info. as well.

A terrible decision that only makes sense if your real goal is to re-try the war, Bush, and/or divert the nation's attention from your multiple social engineering bills being rammed through congress.]


1 comment:

luxury Toronto homes said...

I still don't understand the purpose of this decision because even laymen, meaning non-lawyers here, can derive what is likely to happen at the trial because of essential elements missing - like Miranda rights or admissible evidence. So why all this risk, when it has no legal basis on which KSM's act could be re-qualified from a war crime to a common murder after he was a POW detained in Guantanamo for several years? That doesn't make sense at all and Obama's brave declarations are really not helping to give this decision more constitutional grounds. Elli