Friday, November 20, 2009

Fomenting Anti-Semitism in Europe

Once again, it is becoming dangerous to be a Jew in Europe

Relations between Muslim and Jewish communities are overwhelmed by the extension of the Middle East conflict to European shores. The hatreds, jealousies, and historic disputes are now playing out in new lands. The conclusions of the European Monitoring Center's "Summary overview of the situation in the European Union 2001-2005" only reinforce this conclusion.

There has been some evidence to support the view that there is some link between the number of reported anti-Semitic incidents and the political situation in the Middle East. ... Moreover, some of the data indicate that there have been changes in the profile of the perpetrators. It is no longer the extreme right which is seen as solely responsible for hostility towards Jewish individuals or property. ... Instead, victims identified 'young Muslims,' 'people of North African origin,' or 'immigrants' as perpetrators.

The study concluded that in Europe, "Anti-Semitic activity after 2000 is increasingly attributed to a 'new anti-Semitism,' characterized primarily by the vilification of Israel as the 'Jewish collective' and perpetrated primarily by members of Europe's Muslim population."

History as well as common decency dictates that European authorities as well as individual Europeans have a distinct responsibility to stop this evil before it again overwhelms the Jewish people...and worse, spreads to other lands...



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