Friday, November 6, 2009

Liberals think average Americans are extremists

[OR: MSM portrays average Americans as...]

Republicans are receiving a lot of free advice from liberals, who say three things: Your party is too extreme, your party is too extreme, your party is too extreme...

Democrats want people to believe Republicans as extremists who oppose gay marriage and abortion.


Embracing gay marriage would push Republicans to the left of President Obama, California and now, Maine. All three have rejected gay marriage. As for abortion, Gallup polls repeatedly show that a majority of Americans now oppose unrestricted access.

The tea parties and the town hall meetings could be a precursor of what will happen should Democrats be foolish enough to pass a government takeover of the nation's medical care.

The proposal includes taxing pacemakers, regulating vending machines and creating 111 new federal bureaucracies staffed by Democratic Party appointees.

Democrats portray Republicans as being in the Party Of No.

No is sounding pretty good these days.

Make no mistake, while the race for New York's 23rd congressional district went to the Democrats, in the ongoing battle for the meaning of the Republican party it went to the conservatives...


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