Friday, November 6, 2009

Hoffman 2010?

Subject: txt 2010 -
Saranac Lake, N.Y. - In the end, Doug Hoffman couldn’t overcome the hurdle that all third-party candidates face: Most voters tend to pull the lever for the R or the D. Never mind that in this race, the absence of Hoffman would have left voters with a choice-in-name-only (a CHINO?). But Hoffman supporters should not despair. The Democrat who beat him, Bill Owens, faces a tough year ahead. If he runs in 2010, Hoffman will win...

[Don't buy the MSM meme that this was a defeat ('crushing' according to some of the liberally deluded) - consider: Hoffman was and unknown just three weeks before the election (until he took part in a televised debate), who was facing two major party candidates with no comparable political machinery behind him, who's primary opponent endorsed the Democrat when she withdrew -- and he still received 45% of the vote.

It doesn't take a rocket biologists to recognize the tremendous implications to both the democrat and republican parties - just honesty. But don't hold your breath waiting for that in the MSM's reporting of this...]


image toon 2010 - Rino's head in GOP bed

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