Friday, November 6, 2009

The Great Mystery

Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty gdd bdd othr hstry sclm bbro -
One of the great mysteries in today's United States is how a country founded on the principle of individual freedom, having achieved great wealth and world influence, could have developed a political class bent on transforming the nation into a collective dominated by a powerful central government.

John Adams wrote in a letter to his wife of his need to study politics and war so his sons could study mathematics and philosophy and his grandchildren could study poetry and music. Surely this grand new experiment known as the United States, based on the rights of the individual and not the state, could avoid the pitfalls that plagued other nations. The peace, prosperity, and lack of national adversity Adams envisioned came to pass, and future generations were able to study subjects other than war.

Unfortunately, destructive modern political philosophies, such as Marxism and socialism, manipulated by the self-absorbed to achieve political power, were matters John Adams and his fellow founding fathers could not have anticipated.

One need only watch many in the committed American Left make pilgrimages to those second- and third-world countries controlled by Marxist governments and fawn over their rulers. The diminished standard of living, the loss of liberty, and the bleak future for the people of these nations are ignored while the power achieved by the head of state is celebrated.

While John Adams and his fellow founders could not have anticipated what has happened to the country they established, they did give it a framework -- a constitution -- which can enable us to avoid the same egocentrism that led to the downfall of other major civilizations.

The country can return to the path of economic and social prosperity and relegate the Left to the background of the nation's politics, where they belong, once and for all. The key is time, and time is something we have little of.

The 2010 elections will be the most important midterm election in our history.


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