Monday, October 26, 2009

Kevin Jennings' twisted terminology

.LinkKevin Jennings is Safe School Czar not by some vetting breakdown.

He was an official in the Obama Campaign as its Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual fund-raising co-chair. For twenty years until 2008, Jennings succeeded on a massive scale at pro-homosexual propagandizing of school children.

His adeptness and accomplishment at semantic deception are extraordinary.

In a 1990 "report" for the Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, it was Jennings himself who re-coined the very term "safe school" to mean a pro-homosexual school. Just as the word "gay" is forever tainted and can now rarely be used in its original sense without prompting the snickers or confusion of the listener, so the term "safe school" is now a post-op product of Jennings that bears no similarity to its original meaning.

This fairly recent change is lost on most of the public, to the severe detriment of millions of American children in public school whose curriculum is controlled by edu-crats who use the Jennings definition... [snip]

Fox News and Rush Limbaugh recently covered the scandal of some 250 California public schools ordering the pro-homosexual "Boy in a Bikini" cartoon indoctrination video. I am the father who was interviewed recently on Fox and Friends with my attorney, Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute.

The topic was the force-fed pro-homosexual curriculum in my school district and others. Although until now the Jennings and school-video scandals have been covered separately, there is a substantial connecting line to draw between Kevin Jennings and "Boy in a Bikini."

Kevin Jennings founded the GSA in 1988. Youth in Motion, the video producer comprised of a partnership between Jennings' GSA and the company Frameline, actually produced "Boy in a Bikini" and 'distributes' it to hundreds of schools -- including our local elementary school.

Expect more of this, funded with your federal tax dollars...

[The primary reason I voted for prop. 8 the 2nd time but not the first: I'd learned in the interim of the aggressive promotion of gay-lesbian 'lifestyles' in our government-run schools regardless of parents wishes...]

[Recommended, MUST READ for school age children > ]


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