Monday, October 26, 2009

Battle Over Census Becoming Fight Over Illegal Immigration

Subject: txt immig -
Whether the 2010 census should have 10 questions on it, as it's currently written, or 11, as Sens. Robert Bennett (R-Utah) and David Vitter (R-La.) suggest, seems a simple enough issue.

Even though 100 million forms have already been printed, the census director recently told a Senate panel that reprinting the forms would cost about $22 million, not exactly a princely sum in Washington these days. Although supporting materials and training manuals would also have to be changed, Bennett said on the Senate floor recently that adding an 11th question would be "not that big a deal."

But to Democratic activists and civil rights organizations, it is a very big deal, because Vitter (pictured) and Bennett want the 11th question to ask respondents if they if are American citizens.

The debate over that question, and whether legal or illegal immigrants should count toward states' apportionment in Congress, is the subject of an amendment by the two lawmakers to an appropriations bill now pending in the Senate...


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