Monday, December 21, 2009

They're laughing at us

[HT:GP]Subject: txt hcare bdd vals crpt gwot -
All over the world, they're laughing, some more discretely than others. We may not like it, but we have to acknowledge it. There's just too much material.

We're we are the world's first super power joke generator.

You know where they're laughing at us the hardest? Iraq. Baghdad. You know who? Legislators.

In a remarkable, but still tender bit of anthropology, really good people - military, State Department and civilian - have been advising newly democratized Iraqi leaders about the ways of democracy, including law making.

Three WEF (Worst Enemies Forever), Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Curds, are bumpily affecting self-government.

They are coached to let every voice at the table be heard; not get to far ahead or behind constituents; to be civil to one another; to establish level playing fields and fair rules; to avoid stacking the deck; to be open with the public and to listen to them, individually and as a group.

The military advisors, being high-ranking officers, encourage leaders to set the example and keep everyone informed.

The basic lessons of democracy, the stuff of election campaigns.

Yet, what do Iraqi see from their would-be model in Washington?

They see us twice pass legislation in the middle of Saturday nights...


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