Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas, from Harry

Here's what's going to happen to us under Harry's bill, according to the CBO

Reid bought the 60 votes needed to pass Obamacare, despite the legislation itself not being available for reading.

The CBO does not make the accounting all that easy, despite its many tables of numbers. The number Democrats like to cite is that this plan will reduce the deficit by $132 billion over the 10 years from 2010 to 019.

Imagine that, more people insured and the deficit reduced. How do they do that?

The short answer is: over $1 trillion in Medicare cuts and tax increases.

"This administration ought to know that five years' worth of Medicare and Medicaid cuts totaling $200 billion are dead on arrival with me and with most of the Congress."

[I.e., another scam, for which we'll pay dearly - snip.]

But at least no "public option," right?

"[This legislation would replace] a ‘public plan' that would be run by the Department of Health and Human Services with ‘multi-state' plans that would be offered under contract with the Office of Personnel Management..."

Are we sure that means no "public option"? Do multiple "multi-state" plans under OPM sound that much better than one federal plan under HHS? The devil is in the details, and this legislation is about 2,000 pages of such details.

And no "death panels" either, right?

"The legislation also would establish an Independent Payment Advisory Board, which would be required, under certain circumstances, to recommend changes to the Medicare program to limit the rate of growth in that program's spending. Those recommendations would go into effect automatically unless blocked by subsequent legislative action."

That is, the only thing that prevents the "advisory board" from being a "death panel" is the hope that Congress will override it.

For the longer story, read on...


[You decide.]

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