Monday, December 21, 2009

"Smoking gun" Iranian document proves military component to nuke program

Subject: txt iran gwot nsec intl -
The TimesOnline has obtained some documents, apparently smuggled out of Iran, that provide indisputable proof that the mullahs have been pursuing a two-track nuclear program since at least 2007, with the eventual goal of constructing a nuclear weapon.

The key is the Iranian's attempts to construct a "neutron initiator" - a necessity to start the chain reaction in the fissile material and explode the bomb. Intel analysts believe this is the last piece of the nuclear puzzle and that it is probably close to being a reality.

This is very, very bad. I won't say that Iran has duped western countries. The fact is, the US and others have fooled themselves. They substituted political calculation and wishful thinking for honest, hard headed, realistic analysis.

And the price we may pay for that stupidity could be incalculable.

The UN will take up the issue of sanctions later this week. Expect a lot of posturing but not much in the way of punitive sanctions. There just isn't a consensus on doing something drastic like cutting off the Iranian's refined petroleum imports, including gasoline. This means that even if another round is agreed to, they will be just as useless as the previous two rounds in getting Iran to halt its enrichment activities.

Somewhere in Israel, a clock is ticking down to zero. What will happen when that occurs is still anyone's guess.


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